I love thinking and writing about the great Holy Spirit.
The Bible tells us that the Holy Spirit is a "person" within the Trinity...meaning that while not physically visible, He is a divine being with whom individuals can have a personal relationship, making Him capable of being described as "the most amazing and awesome person" due to His ability to guide, comfort, and empower born-again believers.
Here are some key points about the Holy Spirit and His nature:
The Bible often refers to the Holy Spirit, using the personal pronoun "He," indicating a personal being with whom we can interact.
The Holy Spirit is present with every born-again believer... constantly providing guidance, comfort, and support.
The Holy Spirit is seen as the agent of transformation in a believer's life, enabling them to live according to God's will.
Once saved, the believer receives the Holy Spirit, which gives special gifts to the believer. However, only the Holy Spirit can choose these spiritual gifts, according to what He wants the believer to have. In other words, the Bible says we cannot make that decision for God. The Holy Spirit gives these special gifts according to His will. The Bible also says that each believer has a different set of gifts and not all have the same gift. That means that if somebody is given the gift of "speaking in tongues", they ought not brag about it and get prideful about it, because it was given only by the Holy Spirit; not something the receiver of the spiritual gift was able to learn or conjure up. Speaking in tongues does not involve repeating the same three or four words over and over again just to impress others. That would be repetitious ritual. God is not for that. He wants our prayers to be genuine and from the heart. I have seen others try to teach others how to speak in tongues and that is not biblical! It is God who chooses these gifts. They cannot be forced on anyone.
I do sometimes wish that I was given the gift of speaking in tongues but I was not, so that's okay. The Bible also says that God doesn't want those who can speak in tongues, to look down on those who don't or can't. That's why we do not get to choose our own gifts of the Spirit, because we just might get haughty and proud about it and brag that we were given this gift, but others were not. God does not like a prideful nor boastful heart. I have seen some that can speak in tongues, and if other members of the church cannot, I have seen the one who was gifted with tongues, tell others that they must not be saved, if they cannot speak in tongues. What a terrible thing to say to someone. Especially another brother or sister in Christ! It is not speaking in spiritual tongues, that saves souls. The Bible is very clear on that. It is just one of the gifts of the Spirit, that the Holy Spirit has appointed to some, but not all. It is shameful to look down on those who have not been given this special gift. Especially to accuse them of not being saved.
The Holy Spirit in the saved, represents:
1. A finished transaction. 2. A "seal" that has been placed by God upon the believer... marking him or her, as God's own. 3. The very proof that a person has accepted Jesus as their Savior, is the indwelling of the Holy Spirit, Himself. The Holy Spirit IS God's seal of ownership and promise. 4. The Holy Spirit guarantees the believer's inheritance, until we go home to be with the Lord. PROVIDED, a person does not decide to permanently turn away from God, but for any believer who would want to turn away from God, once they were saved, it is questionable that they were saved in the first place. Someone may have told them a different way to get saved, and they believed a lie. This is why we have the Bible for our guideline on how to be saved. We can never go wrong, listening to God's instruction instead of false teachings. 5. The Holy Spirit's presence in a believer's life, is proof of the genuineness of their faith and commitment to Christ. 6. God's seal is also a sign of security for the believer. 7. The seal represents an irrevocable promise.
In Ephesians 1:13, the Bible says that "when you heard the word of Truth, the Gospel of your salvation, and believed in Him, you were sealed with the Holy Spirit of promise."
The Bible uses the term "seal", in a few different ways, and when considered together, they help provide a full picture of what Paul is saying in Ephesians. In the Old Testament, God set a sign on his chosen ones, to mark them out or set them apart as his children and to keep them from destruction, in Ezekiel 9:4-6. We read in Revelation 7:3, that God places a seal on his people to identify them and protect them from wrath.
We have also read where the guards put a large stone over the tomb of Jesus, to seal it, in Matthew 27:66 and of John being told to "seal up" the words of the prophecy in Revelation 22:10. This communicates security. We also read of God authenticating His relationship with us, by His seal on believers, in John 6:27. So if we put these together, we see that in the scriptures, a "seal" communicates ownership, protection, and a validation of the relationship.
The Holy Spirit seal, is not a "what" nor an "it", but a "Who" ------ take another look at verse 13, where it says you were sealed with the promised Holy Spirit. The Holy Spirit is the third person of the trinity, marked in the Bible, if you will look it up. You will not see the word "trinity", per se, but you will see that people were baptized in the name of God the Father, His Son, and the Holy Spirit. This is the trinity, which is called "God". Even in Genesis, when the three were consulting with each other, notice they said, "Let us make man in our image."
The Holy Spirit is the believer's seal. God seals His people. He said he will save His children from the "wrath to come", which is the Great Tribulation period. God's own Spirit, comes to "indwell" or take up residency in the believer. The Holy Spirit provides the inward assurance that we belong to God and are His children! According to Romans 8:15 - 16 and Galatians 4:6
Here are some other verses about the Holy Spirit:
And Who has also put His seal on us and has given us His Spirit in our hearts, as a guarantee. 2 Corinthians 1:22
And do not grieve the Holy Spirit of God, by whom you were sealed until the day of redemption, when we go home to be with the Lord and get our perfect bodies. Ephesians 4:30
By giving us the Holy Spirit, God seals, or "stamps us" as His own, at our conversion. And then the Holy Spirit continues to testify, authenticating the reality of this relationship, by making us more and more like Jesus.
To be sealed with the Holy spirit, is a gracious gift from God, whereby He demonstrates the authenticity of the believer's relationship with Him, and His commitment to anyone who invites Him into their heart and life as their Savior.