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Whom Will You Follow and Believe? God, or The Finite Understanding Of Flawed Man?

Jesus said we need to find a church that teaches what is spoken and taught in His Word. We do that, by examining what a particular group teaches and if it doesn't match up exactly with God's word, then he said to leave them and find a minister who does and practices that in his church. Never take for granted that all churches preach the gospel of Christ according to His Word. These cults "groom" and condition people, into their cult. Jesus warned of them. I spoke with two Jehovah witnesses that came to my house one time. They tried their best to make me believe things that just weren't in the Bible. When I called them out on it and questioned them, they had no answers, and so they left, since they couldn't sway me to believe as JW's believe. They do not even know their Bible or what Jesus says. Jesus exposes these type religions. Jehovah Witnesses have their own man they worship and follow, not Jesus. They believe only what their leader tells them, blindly following and not examining things for themselves. That devil is very cunning and will find any way he can, to keep us away from God's Word and HIS TRUTHS. Jesus never said to win people into your particular denomination. Religion and denominations have nothing whatsoever with salvation, which is free for all. We cannot earn our salvation according to the Book of Romans. We cannot earn our Salvation or way to Heaven by Good Works, which is what they teach. So whom will you believe, is the question. Will you believe God or man?

Here's a good example of false teaching by the Jehovah Witnesses:


1870-1944. Bible translator. Born and educated in Glasgow, he was ordained in the Free Church of Scotland in 1896. In 1911 he left parish work and became professor of Greek and critical interpretation of the New Testament at Mansfield College, Oxford. In 1915 he transferred to the United Free Church college in Glasgow to teach church history, and after twelve years went to Union Theological Seminary, New York, as Washburn professor of church history, where he took a leading part in the preparation of the Revised Standard Version. He was a prolific writer of books, full of biblical criticism.

His fame rests on his single-handed translation of the entire Bible. His NT was published in 1913, the Old in 1924, and the whole revised and reissued in 1935, known popularly as the “Moffatt Bible.” It was the first unofficial translation to acquire widespread readership, although regarded as somewhat literary. His Old Testament relied on critical theories, which were subsequently disproved by archaeological or philological discovery; this weakness prevented acceptance by evangelicals on either side of the Atlantic. He was also prone to alter the order of verses or chapters when the Hebrew seemed to him unintelligible; here too he jumped to hasty conclusions which are no longer tenable. His translation was nevertheless a great achievement which still led its field at the time of his death, and was not finally superseded until the New English Bible was completed.

A NEW TRANSLATION by James Moffatt, 1922, is a corrupt version of the Bible. Moffatt calls his translation the "Holy Bible," but it is satanic. Mr. Moffatt was an unbeliever who attacked the virgin birth (Isaiah 7:14), the deity of Christ (1st Timothy 3:16), and the Godhead (Colossians 2:9). He was a prolific writer of books reflecting biblical criticism.

His fame rests on his single-handed translation of the entire Bible. His NT was published in 1913, the Old in 1924, and the whole revised and reissued in 1935, known popularly as the “Moffatt Bible.” His OT relied overmuch on critical theories which were subsequently disproved by archaeological or philological discovery; this weakness prevented acceptance by evangelicals on either side of the Atlantic. He was also prone to alter the order of verses or chapters when the Hebrew seemed to him unintelligible; here too, he jumped to hasty conclusions which are no longer tenable.

Moffatt's translation of the Bible has all the exact SAME corruptions as other modern perversions--all sharing the common denominator of being rooted in the corrupted Greek of Westcott and Hort. If you look at all the corruptions in the NIV, you'll find that nearly all the same problems are found in Moffatt's translation. The Jehovah's Witness' New World Translation admittedly comes from the Greek of Westcott and Hort (two 19th century unsaved heretics). Only the King James Bible has evaded the modern Bible corrupting movement. Satan knew that in order to deceive men and turn them away from the truth, he would have to change the truth of God into a lie (Romans 1:25). Moffatt's translation is not of God.

Galatians 1:8–9— "But though we, or an angel from heaven, preach any other gospel unto you, than that which we have preached unto you, let him be accursed!

It is the [b]Holy Spirit, whom tells us what is the truth. He is our Teacher, revealing all of God's Truths, from His Word.[/b]

Thank you so much for writing this. It is so needed. I am sure many think that The Bible is okay whatever the translation, but as we know, changing a word or two can alter the meaning of a sentence.
@NightTimeWolf Amen to that brother. It sure can, it can change everything, the whole meaning, and I'm sure God doesn't like that.
1pebbles · 56-60, F
The Word of God is active and sharper than any two edged sword, piercing to the joints and marrow and able to judge the intentions of the heart. Hebrews 4:12
@1pebbles Amen!! Love that verse. Thank you.
GodSpeed63 · 61-69, M
Amen, sister, amen. Jesus is the only Way, the only Truth, and the only Life. No one comes to the Father except through Him. Great post, sister. Thank you for sharing that with us.
TheOrionbeltseeker · 36-40, M
These Jehovah witnesses have been shot dead recently in a gathering in Germany. Nevertheless, all the interpretations are just with the intention to corrupt the minds of many.
@TheOrionbeltseeker I would not wish that on anyone, and I am sorry and sad to hear that. Jesus loves all people, not just some. Some are just blind to the truth because Satan has blinded them, but God still loves them just as much as anyone else, and wishes them to learn His truths.

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