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"Love one another"

"if the world hates you, you can just remember it has hated me first"
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LadyGrace · 70-79
John 15:18, Yes. When Christian believers don't join in worldly sins, the world responds with hatred and mockery. Choosing to honor God, shines an uncomfortable light on sin, and that brings hatred from the world. Jesus' words here are meant to reassure Christians that persecution for faith, is a sign that we're identified with Him.
FreestyleArt · 31-35, M
I already know. I just ignore them like it's nothing even I have to work on my own issues. I just don't care what human critics about me anymore. They're in a different world.
Absolutely brilliant- two people who hearted this Christian post about family in Christ have blocked me!

Oh the irony!

@DanielsASJ Anyway, you and @LadyGrace are actually great examples of Christian love.
DanielsASJ · 36-40, M
@BritishFailedAesthetic I love you too Brother. Just sometimes, you get a bit different but that's not my concern. As said, "I will protect your freedom of thoughts, speech and expression till my last breath"
@DanielsASJ Yeah, you have every right to your views. That's what democracy is about!

Same here!

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