A prayer request for the Kirbys
I was sad to hear this- the our brother in Christ's wife, Emma, has had a still birth..
Joe Kirby has provided us with so much spiritual encouragement on YouTube so the least we can do is pray for his wife and him during this difficult time.
I really related and can confirm the feeling of when the radiologist tells you that there is no heartbeat, when my wife miscarried, she could have the fetus removed internally so I can only imagine the pain a stillbirth must bring.
Despite these trying times, he has done yet another amazing and encouraging video. Please keep him and his wife in your prayers.
Joe Kirby has provided us with so much spiritual encouragement on YouTube so the least we can do is pray for his wife and him during this difficult time.
I really related and can confirm the feeling of when the radiologist tells you that there is no heartbeat, when my wife miscarried, she could have the fetus removed internally so I can only imagine the pain a stillbirth must bring.
Despite these trying times, he has done yet another amazing and encouraging video. Please keep him and his wife in your prayers.