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MIRACLE! During the Mass, the host was transformed into the body and the wine into the blood of Jesus Christ.

In the history of the Catholic Church, there are many cases of miracles that are considered supernatural interventions of God. One of the most famous and long-lasting Eucharistic miracles is the Miracle of Lanciano, which took place in 8th century Italy. This unique miracle, which continues to fascinate and inspire the faithful, concerns the transformation of bread and wine into the body and blood of Jesus Christ during the Holy Mass.


The miracle of Lanciano is the first recorded Eucharistic miracle in the history of the Church.
This event took place at the beginning of the eighth century in the church of Saint Legoncian. The history of the Lanciano Miracle dates back to a time when the Catholic faith in the Eucharist - the real presence of Jesus Christ in the bread and wine - was put to the test by various heresies. It was a period when people needed signs that would confirm this fundamental Catholic doctrine. And then, in a small chapel in Lanciano, an event took place that was of great importance for the faith and endured for centuries. God wanted the Italian town of Lanciano, located south of Pescara, to witness an amazing event during the celebration of the Holy Sacrifice.
At the moment when the monk uttered the words: "Take and eat, this is my Body, Take and drink, this is my Blood", an extraordinary transformation took place. The host turned into real flesh and the wine in the chalice into real blood. After a short time, the blood coagulated into five lumps of irregular shape. The body that appeared to the monk and to all present was full of authenticity and eerie presence, as if Jesus Christ Himself was standing before them. The monk, overcome with divine joy, remained silent for some time, immobilized in awe at this extraordinary sign.
However, unable to hide such an extraordinary event, filled with God's power, he decided to share this miracle with others. Filled with inner conviction and faith, he raised his hands and called out to those gathered: "Look with faith! This is the true Body and Blood of our Lord Jesus Christ, which has appeared to me visibly, so that I may not be an unbeliever, but a full believer. I invite you all. to come and see for yourself how an unimaginable miracle has taken place here among us."
After the extraordinary miracle in Lanciano, the news of this amazing event spread quickly, reaching many people. The miraculous transformation of the host into the real Body of Christ and the wine into the real Blood attracted crowds of pilgrims and believers from all over the world. Numerous scientific and medical studies have been conducted to reliably examine the substances present in the transformed host and in the wine in the chalice. At the request of Archbishop Lanciano and with the approval of the Vatican, in November 1970 the Franciscans decided to submit the relics to a detailed scientific examination. This task was entrusted to Professor Odoardo Linoli, a renowned expert in anatomy, histology, chemistry and clinical microscopy, working at the hospital in Arezzo.
He was assisted by Professor Ruggero Bertelli, who also brought his knowledge and experience to this research journey. On March 4, 1971, a detailed study report was published. The conclusions that were drawn were as follows.
The relic is the human heart muscle consisting of the striated muscle tissue of the endocardium. The preserved body contains various parts of the heart: the endocardium, the endocardium, the vagus nerve and the left ventricle with a large thickness of the myocardium. The blood is human blood: the chromatographic analysis proved it with certainty. The flesh and blood were human, and traces of the same blood type, AB, were found in both samples. There was no trace of salt or preservatives used in ancient times for embalming or mummification.
The results of research conducted by specialists unequivocally confirmed that it was an extraordinary phenomenon that for a period of 12 centuries flesh and blood did not decompose, despite being left in their natural state, constantly exposed to atmospheric influences and various biological factors.
The relics from the Eucharistic Miracle of Lanciano are kept and venerated in the local church, attracting thousands of pilgrims from all over the world every year. The bread that became flesh is kept in a special reliquary and is available to the pious who wish to see this extraordinary sign of God's love. The Eucharistic miracle in Lanciano is proof of the extraordinary presence of God in the sacrament of the Eucharist. It reminds the faithful of the immeasurable love of Christ, who becomes our spiritual food to strengthen us and support us in our journey of faith. It is also an invitation to deepen the relationship with Jesus Christ, who is present in the Blessed Sacrament, and to draw from His source of grace and mercy.
The Eucharistic Miracle of Lanciano has endured over the centuries as an essential reminder to the faithful of the mystery of the Eucharist and its powerful importance to our faith. Many pilgrims who visit this place experience a strong emotion and spiritual revival when they stand in the presence of these relics, which are a testimony to God's wonderful love for us, his children.
In the Eucharist, the sacrament of the most sacred mystery, Jesus Christ becomes present and alive to us. This is a truth made even stronger by the miracle of Lanciano, which confirmed the authentic presence of Christ in the form of bread and wine. The history of this miraculous event rises above the boundaries of time and space, provoking us to a deeper reflection on the mystery of the Eucharist. This miraculous act of transformation is a powerful reminder to all of us. It reminds us that in these simple and humble signs of bread and wine, the incomprehensible mystery in which Jesus gives himself to us takes place. He becomes present to us in the deepest sense - in his flesh and blood, in all his divine and human being.
The miracle in Lanciano is a confirmation of our faith that the Eucharist is not just a symbolic gesture or historical memory, but a real encounter with the living Jesus. In the bread and wine we receive, he is truly present, ready to fill us with his grace and love. Jesus Christ, present in the Eucharist, wants to enter our hearts, convert our lives and become a force that transforms our thoughts, words and deeds. He is our source of comfort, hope, and strength. In the Eucharist, the greatest source of spiritual nourishment and salvation opens up for us.
The miracle of Lanciano not only strengthened people's faith for centuries, but also serves as a reminder to us today. It tells us that Jesus is always with us, waiting for us in the Eucharist so that we can meet him, adore him and receive him in sacramental nourishment. May this amazing event in Lanciano awaken in us an even greater desire to meet Jesus in the Eucharist. May it become a motivation to participate more often in the Holy Mass and receive Communion consciously, with deep faith and a pure heart.
ChipmunkErnie · 70-79, M
So, it's a church of cannibals?
The miracle of Lanciano is the first recorded Eucharistic miracle in the history of the Church.
Well, I think that's exaggerating it a bit, don't you?
The relic is the human heart muscle consisting of the striated muscle tissue of the endocardium.
And that proves it was transformed from a cracker or a bit of bread, does it?
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