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A SHOCKING discovery! THE DARK TRUTH about VLADIMIR PUTIN, hidden for years!

Are you ready for the truth that no one expected? Get ready for a shocking revelation about Vladimir Putin, the Russian president whose dark side has remained hidden until now! In our latest video, we reveal secrets that will shake up the way you think about this head of state.

Vladimir Putin is a controversial figure around the world. He officially professes his Christian faith and invokes biblical values, but do his actions really match those statements? You will learn about the dark practices he carries out in secret, away from the light of cameras and microphones. You will discover his connections with occult groups who perform rituals to increase his power and influence.

Learn the secrets of the occult rituals that Putin participates in and discover how Russian witches organize magical circles of power to support him. We take a closer look at the secret meetings and prayers that take place in the shadows of the night. You will learn how these practices may influence his political decisions and why they cause such concern in the Christian community.

Is Putin just a puppet in the hands of dark forces? Is the spirit of the Antichrist at work in his life and is his action directed towards chaos and destruction? We will explore how spiritual beliefs and secret practices can affect global politics and world stability.

Watching this movie will immerse you in a dark world that no one has known before. You will see evidence and hear testimony that will change your view of Vladimir Putin. Get ready for an incredible journey that will reveal the truth about one of the most controversial leaders of our time.



Vladimir Putin, the President of Russia, is a figure who provokes controversy around the world. His political decisions and his manner make many people look for in him the characteristics of the Antichrist who, according to Christian eschatology, is to appear in the last times. Although it may seem incredible, there are those who believe that Putin already has an attitude reminiscent of Jesus Christ both in his speeches and in his deeds. In this film we will look more closely at the mysteries surrounding Vladimir Putin and reveal the dark truth about this man. We will tell how and when his speeches with a messianic character began to appear, which many people interpreted as attempts to present himself as a divine leader. In addition, we will reveal Putin's strange connections with people linked to occultism, witchcraft and even Satanism. This raises the question of how can someone who claims to be a Christian at the same time be involved in practices that are so contrary to the teachings of the Bible. Let us consider whether it is possible that the false religion of Vladimir Putin in the futurecould affect the whole world are his actions just political maneuvers or maybe more the spirit of the Antichrist is at work in him these questions we will try to answer by analyzing the facts and events that astonish even the most skeptical observers the President of Russia is associated with practices that contradict Christian teachings in Russia an openly Orthodox country there are many restrictions regarding various expressions of religion and cults yet witchcraft and sorcery are not only not persecuted by the authorities but even tolerated and their practice remains legal in return for this freedom do Russian witches openly support the President this situation raises many questions and concerns how is it possible that in a country that officially adheres to Christian values the government turns a blind eye to practices that so obviously contradict the teachings of the Holy Scriptures is this just a matter of political calculation or is there perhaps more to it some suggest that Putin deliberately uses the services of witches and occultists in believing that this will secure him additional power and influence in return for their support, witches publicly declare their support for the president, which further strengthens his position in Russia, witchcraft and magic are not just relics of the past but a living practice that even finds its place in modern society in towns and villages there are people who offer fortune telling spells and other occult services moreover, these practices are not hidden on the contrary, they are often advertised in the media, suggesting that they have the tacit approval of the authorities this support of people who practice magic puts Putin in an even more controversial light how can he reconcile his commitment to Christianity with such an obvious proximity to the occult is this merely political pragmatism or a hint of something more disturbing as we continue to explore this dark side of the Russian president, more and more questions arise about the women who are part of the empire of the most powerful witches a mysterious occult group in Russia Witches regularly organize magical rituals to express their deep support for Russia and its president during these ceremonies which take place in secret locations out of the reach of the public the witches gather in a circle dressed in black hooded cloaks and robes decorated with a mystical red symbol on the back in silence they bow their heads and focus on their intentions the leader of the group steps into the center of the circle and begins a prayer that mixes spiritual elements with political slogans her words are may the power of Russia come in its greatness may she guide Vladimir Putin on the right path through my prayer mother earth embrace Russia from all sides her voice is loud and filled with conviction about the power of magic and its influence on the fate of the nation as the other witches nod in agreement the leader continues oh primal force remove from us those who hate Russia may Russia grow in strength and turn away from poverty and suffering and may the coming days bring us happiness and prosperity her words are filled with emotional weight and the belief in the magical power that can change the fate of the nation these mysterious rituals

all are not just eccentric ceremonies but have deep symbolism and meaning for the participating witches according to their beliefs prayers and spells not only strengthen the spiritual power of Russia but also protect the country from enemies and contribute to its development each rite is carefully planned and thought out to bring harmony and balance to the political landscape in which Putin operates the empire of the most powerful witches although it operates in the shadows and avoids public attention has rituals based on ancient magical traditions the black colour of the robes symbolises mystery and power and the red symbol on the back recalls the life force of blood and sacrifice these elements combined with prayers addressed to Mother Earth create an atmosphere of deep commitment and belief in the effectiveness of their actions to an outside observer this may sound like a scene from a fantasy novel but for the members of this mysterious group it is a serious practice that serves their beliefs and aims to influence reality these rituals do not confirm not only the strong ties between the witches and Putin but also emphasize their belief that occult practices can have a real impact on the fate of the nation we will now prove that Vladimir Putin's character contradicts the tenets of the Christianity he supposedly professes since the Holy Scripture clearly condemns practices such as witchcraft it is enough to take a look at the letter to the Galatians where it says works of the flesh are evident they are such as fornication impurity debauchery idolatry sorcery enmities strife jealousy anger profit divisions factions envy murder drunkenness revelries and the like I warn you as I have warned you before that those who do such things will not inherit the kingdom of God these words are clear and direct sorcery is listed among the works of the flesh that are contrary to the will of God Christianity which emphasizes love peace and respect for others does not agree with magical practices which are often based on the manipulation of supernatural forces to achieve certain goals for believers are such practices morally and spiritually harmful because they distract from God's will and lead to spiritual blindness in the context of public leadership that professes to be Christian, such contradictions are particularly problematic so how can one reconcile leadership that claims to be Christian values with actions that are openly condemned by Holy Scripture this question becomes particularly pressing when we observe Putin not only tolerating but also enlisting the support of occult and witchcraft groups that publicly express their support through magical rituals is this just a political strategy or something more can his actions in the spirit of magic and sorcery have far-reaching consequences both for Russia and its international relations among the various situations that demonstrate the Russian president's connections to figures with links to evil spiritual forces, his friendship with 62-year-old philosopher Alexander Dugin is particularly notable the friendship between Vladimir Putin and Alexander Dugin, a controversial philosopher and political theorist triggers much debate and concern around the world Dugin is known for developing the so-called fourth political theory which rejects the three main ideologies of the 20th century - liberalism, communism and fascism - in favour of a new paradigm in which Russia plays a central role his theory postulates that Russia, as a unique civilisation, should create a great continental empire that leads the world without the ideological interference that has defined its recent past for Dugin, Russia has the chance to renew itself in the next phase of the world war and become a world empire these ambitions and rhetoric are extremely controversial and raise fears that they could lead to serious international tensions and even the outbreak of World War III Dugin not only expresses these theses in his publications but also influences political and intellectual circles in Russia, increasing the pressure on the country's foreign policy for Dugin, the idea of re-empowering Russia as a world empire is not a purely intellectual experiment but a concrete political plan his influence on Russian foreign policy and his relations with Putin raise concerns that they could contribute to an escalation of international tensions and the destabilisation of global relations

his radical views and geopolitical visions are often cited in the context of Russia's growing nationalism and aggressive rhetoric towards the West Putin's friendship with Dugin is the subject of wide debate and speculation as it highlights possible influences of extremist views on the Russian president's political decisions their cooperation and support of shared ideas underline the importance of Dugin's theories for Russia's contemporary political identity and geopolitical ambitions Dugin's often cited statements about the need to advance Russia as a continental empire independent of other ideologies add another element to the complex picture of how Russia approaches its strategic plans and challenges this connection, like many others in Russia's power circles, is becoming the focus of international analysis and strategy but what makes Alexander Dugin such a controversial figure his life story begins in the late 1970s when, as an 18-year-old, he felt deep rejection of the world and began searching for answers to his spiritual le At this time he met people fascinated by atheism and materialism which led him to further research Initially he was interested in Indian philosophy whose teachings had a deep influence on his spiritual development Gradually, however, his interests shifted to darker areas Fascinated by the occult and black magic, Dugin delved into researching mysterious practices that inspire fear Years later, he became one of Russia's best known and controversial Satanists His skills in political theory and ideological manipulation earned him respect in intellectual and political circles But perhaps his most disturbing achievement was his role in Russian political life Dugin inadvertently gained a reputation as an adviser and guru to President Vladimir Putin His influence on the ideological foundations of Russian geopolitics is no longer a secret His theories on the need to return Russia to a great empire free of Western ideologies have influenced the Kremlin's political decisions For many observers, Dugin embodies dangerous ideas that could lead to an escalation of conflicts and international tensions the question remains as to the ethics and morality of cooperation between secular leaders and figures of such controversial intellectual and spiritual character as Alexander Dugin how can a public declaration of the Christian faith be reconciled with an alliance with a person who represents ideologies based on occultism and Satanism for observers of international politics and political ethics this contradiction in Vladimir Putin's attitude towards Alexander Dugin is not only surprising but also deeply problematic Putin, who often refers to Christian and biblical values in his speeches and actions, seems to have found common ground with a philosopher who promotes ideas that deviate far from the traditional moral norms of Christianity this could indicate that for Putin geopolitical interests and the strengthening of Russia's position on the international stage are more important than compliance with spiritual values and moral concepts for many observers, however, such a decision could question the authenticity of his religious and moral Questioning explanations A comprehensive analysis of figures such as Vladimir Putin leads to reflections on the spiritual aspect of his decisions and policies Some interpret these connections as an example of the work of the Antichrist who, according to the biblical interpretation, manipulates people and creates chaos in order to counteract the Gospel and Christian values
bookerdana · M
Spoiler alert..unless yer brain-dead you realize the dude has no values
LordShadowfire · 46-50, M
Yeah, i tuned you out about the time you referred to his people as witches.
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