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Bible sudy and fellowship

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Above- an AI image of a secret North Korean Bible Study.

Another great place for fellowship with felllow Christians is bible study and prayer- meeting in house groups, nothing like meeting up to discuss God's glory and our weeks together.

We tend to take for granted in the West our right to meet and have prayer/bible study meetings- in many Countries these are referred to as 'house churches' and are illegal.

Imagine if you will doing your usual church bible study groups only to he raided by police, spending the next several years in prison in solitary- the officer delivering your food not even making eye contact at you, while you sit there reminiscing about those evenings of fellowship with other believers rejoicing with each other with the sun setting outside or the star lit nightsky outside, to try and keep yourself sane.

So for your next bible study remember there are other Christians around the world doing the same but they love the joy of fellowship so much they are willing to be imprisoned for it and in North Korea being imprisoned in a labour camp for life or even executed.
So true, brother.
@LadyGrace Thanks so much, always encouraging to see your comments as you helped inspire me to write Christian posts here.

We both have different writing styles but God uses our posts for his glory!
@BritishFailedAesthetic that's what is so great brother. Things that I may miss, you cover and think about, and vice versa. Haha I love your writings because they are pure and true to the Word of God. And God said that's the way you can tell a true Believer who loves God and is not a false teacher, by what they write, how they speak, and how they live their lives by example. But Jesus said you'll know a false teacher if you run into one because what they say will not match up exactly with His Word, but yours does. Keep them coming! You're doing a great job for the Lord.
@LadyGrace Thanks so much, you're doing a great job too!

I apparently have a knack and write in the style of 'Hebridean altars', 'Celtic Daily Prayer' Pete Greig, Francis Chan, etc.
TheWildEcho · 56-60, M
It's our bible study and prayer house group tonight!!
@TheWildEcho What a great time to for it, great way to end the work week!
Carazaa · F
That is amazing. The gospel has reached the whole world, even North Korea!
"And this gospel of the kingdom shall be preached in all the world for a witness unto all nations; and then shall the end come." Matthew 24
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Morvoren · F
I still think Dad jokes would be an improvement here.
Musicman · 61-69, M
How awesome! Go God Go! 🙏🙏🙏
@Musicman Amen, thanks so much for your continued encouragement!
Musicman · 61-69, M
@BritishFailedAesthetic Fortunately for us our Bible Study doesn't have to be secret. We meet every Monday evening from 6 to 7pm. 🙂🙂🙂

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