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Apostate Christianity: Second Coming

The Bible never indicates that Jesus would return in physical form, but that he would return his attention back to Earth, where he would be in spirit. Jesus' return is often thought to be in the physical form of a man, but scripture never speaks of his return in such a manner.

What about John 14:19; Matthew 24:30; Mark 13:26: Luke 21:27 and Revelation 1:7?

John 14:19 - Yet a little while, and the world seeth me no more; but ye see me: because I live, ye shall live also.

Jesus was telling his disciples that the world would see him no more because he would be put to death, but they would see him again because he would be resurrected and he would resurrect them in spirit upon their deaths. The verse has nothing to do with his return to Earth at some distant future date. Paul later confirms this by saying that, in spirit form no man has seen Jesus and none will, unless they be changed into spirit form. (1 Timothy 6:14-16; 2 Corinthians 5:14; 1 Peter 3:18)

At Matthew 24:30 the Greek word horao is translated "see" but can also mean to discern. A Greek-English Lexicon, by Liddell and Scott, says of horao says: "metaphorically, of mental sight, discern, perceive." (1948 edition, pages 1244, 1245). This metaphorical perception can also be confirmed by Paul's use of horao at Romans 1:20 where things are invisible yet perceived.

Clouds, like those mentioned in the verses given by the SAB are typically used in a symbolic sense to signify the presence of God (Isaiah 63:9: 1 Kings 8:10-12)
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LadyGrace · 70-79
Do you know what the word Christian means? It is a follower of Christ. You claim to follow Christ, yet you call Christianity, apostate. If you're a Christian, you would not make fun of Christianity and yes, the Bible does say that we shall SEE Jesus at His 2nd Coming. He'll be in His Spirit body, yes, but we'll still see Him. The second coming of Jesus will be literal. He will return bodily, in the same, resurrected, glorified body in which He ascended to heaven.

“After He had said these things, He was lifted up while they were looking on, and a cloud received Him out of their sight. And as they were gazing intently into the sky while He was going, behold, two men in white clothing stood beside them. They also said, ‘Men of Galilee, why do you stand looking into the sky? This Jesus, who has been taken up from you into heaven, will come IN JUST THE SAME WAY as you have watched Him go into heaven'” (Acts 1:11).
@LadyGrace When you read the prophets of ancient Israel criticizing the anointed Kings and religious leaders do you think they should have kept their mouths shut? Do you think they were not following God? Do you think they weren't pointing out the apostasy? And Christ, did he think and speak kindly of the religious leaders of his day? When I read your words I think you believe in a vile corruption of the Bible. How it deceives you and most Christians is remarkable. What is more remarkable is how they love their beliefs and the traditions of men more than anything. Even more than Jesus. More than God. More than everlasting life.

Paul said there would be a time when they wouldn't listen to the true teachings but only to myth and fables because it tickles their ears. It makes them feel good. It's a lie. Jesus said the gate to everlasting destruction was wide and much traveled, but the gate to truth is narrow with few travelers.

You've chosen your gateway. You've chosen the traditions of men. The immortal soul from Socrates, the Trinity from Plato, hell from Dante and Milton, the cross from Tammuz and Constantine, the rapture from Darby. Correct?
LadyGrace · 70-79
When I read your words I think you believe in a vile corruption of the Bible. How it deceives you and most Christians is remarkable. What is more remarkable is how they love their beliefs and the traditions of men more than anything. Even more than Jesus. More than God. More than everlasting life.

I can only laugh. The only thing remarkable is your constant lying about Christians and Christianity and your ignorance of the Bible.
I can only laugh.

I know.
LadyGrace · 70-79
@AkioTsukino That's right. Because the only thing remarkable is your constant lying about Christians and Christianity and your ignorance of the Bible.
LadyGrace · 70-79
@AkioTsukino Hey, here's one of your famous quotes:

Scientiaratio·56-60, M

I am working on it. I have to comb over evidence I haven't seen in years. I'm not just pulling this out of my ass or ignoring it with baseless slander.

That's a big red flag, when you claim to be a Christian. That's the language of the devil.
Hey, here's one of your famous quotes:

Only famous with you, LG.

That's a big red flag, when you claim to be a Christian. That's the language of the devil.

Is it. What did Jesus ride into Jerusalem on? Language of the devil! Nonsense. Only an idiotic ideologue religious superstition.

The Bible is full of examples of such use of language. Ass, shit, bastard, fuck, piss, damn, hell and god damn. All used in the Bible.
LadyGrace · 70-79
The Bible is full of examples of such use of language. Ass, shit, bastard, fuck, piss, damn, hell and god damn. All used in the Bible

May God have mercy on your soul for such evil blasphemy against God and His Word.
@LadyGrace Ass:

If you propose a word spoken is, in a language, obscene, as you accuse me in your above quote where I use ass, then of course the words aren't going to be the same in the original or any other language. The word ass (Equus asinus; Hebrew, chamohr′; ʼa‧thohn′, “she-ass”; ʽa′yir, “full-grown ass”; Greek. o′nos; o‧na′ri‧on, “young ass”) the Bible, of course, has many verses on the ass. Contextually they refer to the animal. But in meaning an ass can also be a foolish person, which the Bible also has many verses which people are referred to as ass. They didn't have the same metaphorical reference to that specific animal. The modern term ass as I used it was a reference to the buttocks. Isaiah uses a similar comparative reference to that portion of the anatomy at Isaiah 20:4. There are all sorts of references to the anus and rectum, which could accurately be translated in the context I used the modern day slang you quoted.

Piss: 1 Samuel 25:23, 34; 1 Kings 14:10; 16:11; 21:21; 2 Kings 9:8.

"Strong’s Hebrew and Aramaic Dictionary of the Old Testament has the following as entry #H8366: “שָׁתַן shâthan, shaw-than’; a primitive root; (causatively) to make water, i.e. urinate:—piss.” In other words, “piss” is a valid translation of the underlying Hebrew text of the King James Bible Old Testament. "


I'm not going to go on with a detailed lesson on the subject. Shit is another word for dung, and other words which mean the same thing, like dungy idol, filthy idol, bake a cake on the excrement of man, filth hole etc. Bastard appears in older translations, and means the same as illegitimate child, fuck means, in modern English "laying or throwing down of seed." Jesus and the disciples who wrote the Bible used the equivalent term in Greek katabole which means "laying or throwing down of seed." In reference to the founding of the world. Paul also used the same word in reference to Abraham and Sarah's first conceiving a child. Hell, of course, comes from the Hebrew sheol/Greek hades. Christians like to use that one. It means grave. In England bloody is a "curse" word, but in the Bible blood is sacred. It is the soul of any living, breathing animal. Damn just means curse. If God cursed Adam that is God cursed, or God damned. It isn't using God's name in vain because God isn't a name. God's name is Jehovah.

Learn your Bible instead of fake pagan myth and fables and you would already know all of this.