Most people think it wa in modern Iraq, but that’s just a pretender who rulers liked the name and mystique of the city. The real Babylon is modern Alexandria, Eygpt, which was much farther inland in the times before the ice age ended. That isn’t even the full truth, the truth is Babylon was a nation state largely made up or cities, which spaned parts of Africa, Asia and all of Arabia. Much like the people of Easter Island Babylon used up most most of its wood resources and help turn it into the desert 🐪 we know today. Many of Babylons great cities live beneath flowing sands. These sands are the reason the Revelations says “sailors and all whose trade is on the sea, stood far off.” By the time the Bible was first formulated Babylon significantly far in desertification of Arabia and only its Eygptian, Central East African, and Iraq sections remained and mostly thrived.