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I'd like to have a word with the intelligent designer...

So, other animals can regenerate body parts that are hacked off. Lizards regrow their tails, starfish regrow legs, planarians (flatworms) can basically regrow anything. But humans? The supposedly favored race of God? Not so much. I had my right breast (yeah, guys have them, too) surgically removed last year, and it's just gone. Never coming back.

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@jshm2 DUUUDE!!! There are TONS of cases of lousy design in the human body!! Belief in so-called "intelligent design" is just plain silly. Need a few examples??

* In the human female, a fertilized egg can implant into the fallopian tube, cervix or ovary rather than the uterus causing an ectopic pregnancy. The existence of a cavity between the ovary and the fallopian tube could indicate a flawed design in the female reproductive system. Prior to modern surgery, ectopic pregnancy invariably caused the deaths of both mother and baby. Even in modern times, in almost all cases the pregnancy must be aborted to save the life of the mother.

* In the human female, the birth canal passes through the pelvis. The prenatal skull will deform to a surprising extent. However, if the baby's head is significantly larger than the pelvic opening, the baby cannot be born naturally. Prior to the development of modern surgery (caesarean section), such a complication would lead to the death of the mother, the baby, or both. Other birthing complications such as breech birth are worsened by this position of the birth canal.

* In the human male, testes develop initially within the abdomen. Later during gestation, they migrate through the abdominal wall into the scrotum. This causes two weak points in the abdominal wall where hernias can later form. Prior to modern surgical techniques, complications from hernias, such as intestinal blockage and gangrene, usually resulted in death.[10]

* The existence of the pharynx, a passage used for both ingestion and respiration, with the consequent drastic increase in the risk of choking.
The breathing reflex is stimulated not directly by the absence of oxygen but indirectly by the presence of carbon dioxide. A result is that, at high altitudes, oxygen deprivation can occur in unadapted individuals who do not consciously increase their breathing rate.

* The human appendix is a vestigial organ thought to serve no purpose. Appendicitis, an infection of this organ, is a certain death without medical intervention.

* Almost all animals and plants synthesize their own vitamin C, but humans cannot because the gene for this enzyme is defective (Pseudogene ΨGULO).[15] Lack of vitamin C results in scurvy and eventually death. The gene is also non-functional in other primates and in guinea pigs, but is functional in most other animals.[16]
LordShadowfire · 46-50, M
@jshm2 Wow. Okay. So when a child gets his arm blown off by a bomb step by a religious zealot, that's okay in your opinion, because we're not lizards? I guess lizards must be God's chosen people, not humans. Because quite clearly, he shows them more favor.

Now who looks like a fucking tit?
Entwistle · 56-60, M
If having faith in Jesus and God can achieve miracles then why doesnt an amputee who prays to jesus have their missing limb regenerated?
Whodunnit · M
It would if you lived for several thousand years.

You'll just have to start drinking kale smoothies and eating lettuce.
PoeticPlay · 51-55, M
So that you appreciate and focus on what is left of you.
All of you.

Not just the outside.

Life doesn't happen for just you.
Life happens.

Then, there is just you.
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Crazywaterspring · 61-69, M
Child birth is difficult. Auto immune diseases... Why? Back problems...
PoeticPlay · 51-55, M
In simple words, not one of us is in control of EVERYTHING.

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