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Have you found that people don't want to hear or face the truth about anything?

It's sad but many would rather CLOSE their eyes and heart to the truth of God's Word the Bible and the prophecies therein that have been for fulfilled, that are being fulfilled right before our eyes, and that are yet to be fulfilled when it affects their program, agenda, or chosen lifestyles. Here's what I know will happen with this post: (1) There will disrespectful one's who will ridicule and mock this post who truly do not care what the Bible says and who do not believe or care what God says or does. I hope this won't be the case. (2) There may be lovers of God's Word the Bible who honestly want to understand the Bible and draw close to God but have many questions. Which category/number do you fall under?

Most people haven't got a clue about what the theme of God's Word is. They don't have a clue or understanding of what the Bible says about the wonderful future that lies ahead.
I don't have enough faith in humanity to believe in God. You are putting your faith in all the words that humans wrote and have never in thousands of years have been able to verify. You have been misled by theives, liars, murderers and other various charlatans. You are not going to be the one that is going to change 8000 years of zero evidence.
@canusernamebemyusername You say those things because you truly haven't taken the time to thoroughly examine the contents of the Bible. I put my faith in God and His life saving/life changing words. It is also sad that many who go to so-called Theological Schools and Colleges of thought don't even understand the basics of the Bible. These ones do not teach the truth about God and His son Jesus Christ, but rather they smear God's name and reputation with words, propaganda and lies.
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Sharon · F
You talk of the truth of "God's Word the Bible" but you offer no evidence to support that assertion. Why should anyone believe your unsupported opinion rather than a folower of anther religion. After all, they all claim to be "the truth".
@Sharon It's truly pointless responding to you. End of discussion.
Sharon · F
perhaps one day before its not late you will come to your senses.
LOL. Typical christian, thinking childish insults are a valid substitute for evidences or even reasoned argument.

By the way, you've done all your research in all the wrong places.
ROFLMAO. That would be research that doesn't fit your agenda.

As an Atheist, I don't believe is Satan either.

Tell me, how are you going to explain yourself to Odin when you meet Him at the Door to Valhalla?

Sharon · F
It's truly pointless responding to you.
As you have no evidence nor anything of value to add, you're right.
VictoryBeard · 31-35, M
The only real truth is God's mighty and impressive beard. For there lies his true strength that will guide you to a better tomorrow.
@VictoryBeard Is that your interpretation and does the Bible say that? Where in the Bible is a beard attributed to God and His attributes?
VictoryBeard · 31-35, M
@seotelkniwt I took liberties, but I'm pretty sure God is pro beard. Here's a real verse

Jeremiah 48:37
For every head is shaved and every beard cut off. On all the hands are gashes, and around the waist is sackcloth.
@VictoryBeard Thank you for sharing that verse. I'm familiar with this account and verse. That verse is the result of a prophecy against the nation of Moab.

Moab in Prophecy:
In harmony with its long history of opposition to Israel, Moab is mentioned among the hard-set enemies of God's people. (Compare Isaiah 11:14.) Moab is condemned for reproaching Israel and for pride and haughtiness, Moab was finally to become a desolation like Sodom. (Zephaniah 2:8-11; see also Jeremiah 48:29.

Keep in mind that God did not condemn those that wore beards. The verse that you mentioned is showing the results of the desolation of Moab and the clipping of the beard signifies mourning or extreme grief over a terrible situation. This verse does not mention or assume anything about God wearing a beard or that wearing a beard means having godly attributes.
Justenjoyit · 61-69, M
To many people are afraid of the truth
@Justenjoyit I agree
DocSavage · M
Too many people think there is only one “truth”
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@DDonde The Holy Scriptures, the Bible.

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