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Do you believe in a God that Tortures people for eternity? [I Christian]

Some christians believe it but are troubled by a god that seems so evil.

Some christians delight in the thought of hell and cant wait to laugh at their enemies burning alive for eternity(these are called psychopaths)

And some christians try to not speculate what exactly hell or heaven are, or perhaps they have some interpretation that eases their conscience.

What do you think about the concept of eternal torture? Do believe it is the best form of punishment/justice that the omnipotent mind of a loving God could devise? Or maybe just the vindictive musings of a primitive warmongering society?
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Doomflower · 41-45, M
Christianity is immoral even without the hellfire. Accepting a human sacrifice (which is LITERALLY what peeps are doing by "accepting" the "gift of salvation") is beyond f*cked up.
REMsleep · 41-45, F
@Doomflower The human was literally God. He was not just a human
LoveTriumphsOverHate · 36-40, M
@Doomflower You people will invent literally any false claim to discredit Christianity. There is no human sacrifice in Christianity as it is clearly against biblical teachings.
Doomflower · 41-45, M
@REMsleep so he sacrificed himself to humans? Or to himself? How is that a sacrifice if he is a literal god? Like... yeah he was uncomfortable for like a day.

Doomflower · 41-45, M
@LoveTriumphsOverHate LMAO

The book of judges chapter 11 to that.
LoveTriumphsOverHate · 36-40, M
@Doomflower That silly invocation used by atheists has been debunked numerous times as clearly there's no mention of G-d directing Jephthah to kill or sacrifice his daughter, nor is there a mention of a sacrifice, but what it says is that she would never marry. It doesn't say anything about a sacrifice 😂.
LoveTriumphsOverHate · 36-40, M

- Deuteronomy 18:10

There shall not be found among you anyone who burns his son or his daughter as an offering
Doomflower · 41-45, M
@LoveTriumphsOverHate so God didn't stand there and watch as Jephthah burned his daughter as a sacrifice to God? Okay then. You're in the minority on that position.

It's like saying, "Hitler didn't command the deaths of the Jews and Romani people he asked for a solution."

Like... really? Okay then.

You people will make up any justification to excuse the icky parts of your zombie cult.
REMsleep · 41-45, F
@Doomflower The sacrifice wasn't about feeling a small amount of pain. The sacrifice was taking on the sins of all past, present, and future souls. God cannot sin, God cannot stand sin.
He took on all sins, all hate, all sexual sin, all lies, and at that moment he took all of our pain. God incarnate was momentarily separated from God the Father.
Doomflower · 41-45, M
@REMsleep ah, like a scapegoat
REMsleep · 41-45, F
@Doomflower If you want to look at it that way. Sure you are being facetious but the Bible kinda sort of describes it that way.
It is not to say that now mankind can do what they want freely without consequences as long as they call themselves a Christian because that is not the case at all.

It is that once we realize that God loved us enough to sacrifice itself( God has no gender of course but in Biblical literature is referred to as The Father), to experience the weight of sin, to feel what anger and temptation, feels like, for his human body to be separated from the eternal God now those of us who recognize this ultimate sacrifice (again not only a superficial bodily sacrifice) must feel compelled to be thankful for his extreme love for all humanity.

We must seek to be Christlike all while knowing that we will always fail because Christ experienced humanity but was not a mere mortal so we cannot be 100% as Christ was.

Thats where the sacrifice comes in. Because we can't achieve perfection, Christ has already taken on any sin that anyone will ever do.

All we have to do is believe and if you actually believe you will feel compelled to be Christlike.
To think that the supreme and eternal being bothered to provide guidance and a way for us to be close to him.
Doomflower · 41-45, M
@REMsleep what is with you Christians going ON AND ON?? Do you honestly think I haven't read your spiel before?

And I'm NOT being facetious at all. The whole concept of Jesus mirrors the practice of scapegoating. It is just as ridiculous to think a human who is also a demigod and his own father can be used to purge humans of "sin" as it is to use a poor helpless animal.

I was raised a Christian. I have very thoroughly examined it and theism in general.

There is no god. I am as sure of it as I am there is no monster under my bed; and my bed is floor level so my dog can get up in there without hurting herself 🙃
REMsleep · 41-45, F
@Doomflower I thought you wanted to exchange ideas. I was responding to your ideas with mine.
I am not trying to convert you or anything.
If this type of conversation is unwanted then I certainly won't continue to put a lot of effort into formulating my responses to you.
You are being kinda rude without reason in my opinion.
Doomflower · 41-45, M
@REMsleep if you were sharing your OWN ideas you would have stopped after your third sentence. Literally everything you posted after that was just preaching.

So please by all means share YOUR ideas. I've literally read the entire Bible several times and spent years going to church.

If you've never encountered an ex Christian who is a strong atheist before I can see how you see my response as a little rude. Please understand that it is beyond frustrating to try and have a conversation with someone only to have met with a wall of regurgitated talking points we learned in Bible school and which do nothing to further the conversation.
REMsleep · 41-45, F
@Doomflower You shouldn't police what I believe in.
After careful research after living my life searching for myself I have ultimately come to a different conclusion than you.
No idea in this world is completely new. Even if I share my ideas on math or democracy with you, somebody has done it before. It doesn't make it wrong it's just different than what you believe
Doomflower · 41-45, M
@REMsleep how am I policing what you believe? Believe whatever you want.

Maybe no idea at this point is completely original but you're capable of having original thoughts. You posted four solid paragraphs that could be copy/pasted from a sermon at any non denominational church. There's a bit of a difference
REMsleep · 41-45, F
@Doomflower When you accused me of not having my own thoughts that I was literally thinking and typing, this is the policing that I was referring to and you are still doing it.
These are the thoughts that I think.
It does not matter that it could be similar to a sermon.
Most conversations that people have regarding ideology places them within a certain group of people that think or believe similarly.
I have almost never met a person in my adult life that surprised me with original thought. Humans are just not very original
Doomflower · 41-45, M
@REMsleep policing implies that I have the power/authority to impose some kind of consequence.

Your thoughts are unoriginal and your preaching is lame. You don't have have capacity to engage in a reasoned argument so you fall back on talking points.

Have fun with your death cult.
REMsleep · 41-45, F
@Doomflower You are angry and its not my doing
LoveTriumphsOverHate · 36-40, M
@Doomflower Why do you hate Christianity?
Doomflower · 41-45, M
@LoveTriumphsOverHate because it is immoral at best and harmful at worst.