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SatyrService · M
most "Xians" have not read nor do they study the words of Jesus.
they have no interest in being "better" it is just another us vs them tribe. so they can feel some kind of solidarity.
for most of them "thou shalt not kill" only refers to other members of the cult. only THEY are human
if they have "faith" then they do not have to think or do anything for anyone but themselves.
the Abrahamic faiths are full of bigotry.
at leas the Hebrews don't proselytize!
they have no interest in being "better" it is just another us vs them tribe. so they can feel some kind of solidarity.
for most of them "thou shalt not kill" only refers to other members of the cult. only THEY are human
if they have "faith" then they do not have to think or do anything for anyone but themselves.
the Abrahamic faiths are full of bigotry.
at leas the Hebrews don't proselytize!
According to some Christians they all worship the devil and should be killed. Don't worry about the way others view witches and witchcraft here in America. The days of the Salem witch trials are gone. But there are nations where those beliefs and practices may well mean a death sentence. And remember this too, all religions at some points in time have forced themselves on others who did not believe as they did and mass persecutions followed. Witches and witchcraft are the least of our worries.
hippyjoe1955 · 61-69, M
Says dome clown who doesn't understand Christianity.
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hippyjoe1955 · 61-69, M
@SW-User Says the hypocrite who thinks she knows Christianity better than the Christians on the site.
SatyrService · M
@hippyjoe1955 so then,,no Leviticus for you! your ok with the gays then? glad you do not lean on the old testament.
hippyjoe1955 · 61-69, M
@SatyrService Actually I have no trouble with gays at all and I do not wish them any ill whatsoever which is why I try to wean them off their sexual issues. Since the Kingdom of Heaven is something worth attaining and it is written that Gays can not attain such a lofty achievement. I want them to achieve it and thus I want them to stop their sexual practices but only for their sake not mine. They can do what ever they want to each other and I really don't care. Jesus calls us like a shepherd calls his sheep. He does not chase them or beat them. He calls and they follow their Master's voice.
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hippyjoe1955 · 61-69, M
@dunpender Not according to God. Sorry old sod but you are mistaken. Our intellects were dimmed when Adam and Eve decided to eat the forbidden fruit. God's words are Spiritual and must be Spiritually discerned. That is why the Bible is such a fascinating read. Every time you read it something new is revealed.
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hippyjoe1955 · 61-69, M
@dunpender And you think you understand Christianity. You are an ignorant twit. Darwin was dumber than a sack full of hammer handles. His theory is so full of holes you could use it to strain peas.
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MarkPaul · 26-30, M
How can you stop it?
@MarkPaul shower them with knowledge and understanding to prevent ignorance.
SatyrService · M
@SW-User but they are un-educable..ANY information that is in conflict with the world view is seen as
@SatyrService that is true.
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@dunpender probably.
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