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checkoutanytime: Sun set over the gulf of America
@specman Tarpon Springs Fl just north of...
1 mth ago
Carla: The gilded age. When , as trump told you, tarrifs
Those few doll hairs the working class regularly...
1 mth ago
ProphetOfFarblesnozz: This being Sunday, and the Lord's day, I must...
ZOROOLIGIST say the flood of Noah, was a commet...
1 yr ago
checkoutanytime: Why aren't Catholics shunned like Nazis?
@TrashCat to see who could burn more innocent...
1 yr ago
checkoutanytime: Why aren't Catholics shunned like Nazis?
@basilfawlty89 no, that is reality. The...
1 yr ago
checkoutanytime: Why aren't Catholics shunned like Nazis?
@basilfawlty89 the puritans displayed their...
1 yr ago
checkoutanytime: Why aren't Catholics shunned like Nazis?
@basilfawlty89 that was the catholic sect of...
1 yr ago
checkoutanytime: Why aren't Catholics shunned like Nazis?
@Graylight religion and Government are the...
1 yr ago
Gloomy: Capitalism is omnivorous and devours itself
@Gloomy everyones 401k has lost over 60% since Joe...
1 yr ago
Gloomy: Capitalism is omnivorous and devours itself
The federal reserve/central bank has turned wall...
1 yr ago
Gloomy: Capitalism is omnivorous and devours itself
@Gloomy our nation was founded upon no taxation...
1 yr ago
Gloomy: Capitalism is omnivorous and devours itself
@Gloomy How is the working citizen supposed to...
1 yr ago
Gloomy: Capitalism is omnivorous and devours itself
@Gloomy no it is correct, if the USA were still a...
1 yr ago
Gloomy: Capitalism is omnivorous and devours itself
@Gloomy that is NOT capitalism, what is the...
1 yr ago
Gloomy: Capitalism is omnivorous and devours itself
@Gloomy a free market, doesn't equate capitalism
1 yr ago
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