Fired on the spot from a client...Had accident with social media marketing budget/ad spend.
Hello.. I am new here. This looks like such a wonderful group. I've been a Marketing Manager for almost 15 years and have seen all kinds of things.. However, had a very very unusual one today with a particular client. We were testing ads out over the holidays on LinkedIn.
We have been using Hootsuite for all of our ads but for some reason with LinkedIn, the ads seemed to never connect properly. We've had issue where we ran ads and they wouldn't execute like we had set them up.. It seemed minimal and were working it out. That is..UNTIL I came back from the holidays to see that it had spent almost $5,000...YES.. $5K on ads...
My once $10 a day budget was out the window and this happened for not just one ad.. but all of the ads resulting in the astronomical ad spend..The client and I decided to part ways on the spot pretty much and NOW they are threatening me with all kinds of legal stuff and our once wonderful relationship that I worked so so hard to build just went down completely down the shute.
I'm just baffled how it happened so fast.. and now I'm here. fired. Trying to figure out how this happened. Why? Because it will ALL be in vain if I do not learn something...
I suggested to the client that we obviously submit a ticket to LinkedIn and dispute the charges with their bank. I let them know I was confident they would get the charges reversed back to their card. I'm still spinning at how it happened. And I'm suspecting it was a Hootsuite issue where maybe the link between the two programs wasnt communicating properly. And of course, I can not get any customer service support from Hootsuite.
Anyone else work in marketing and advertising and have similar experiences? In general? I would be so grateful to hear other experiences whether its the ad spend or getting fired so dramatically...It's actually really upsetting and I have never lost a client like this. And before you say how un-smart It was to not check the ads over the holidays.. Yes.. I am painfully painfully aware. Wow, am I ever aware..Check the ads. EVERY.SINGLE.DAY! Its going to be my new mantra. 😆😘
Anyone else have similar experiences? In general? I would be so grateful to hear other experiences whether its the ad spend or getting fired so dramatically...It's actually really upsetting and I have never lost a client like this. And before you say how un-smart It was to not check the ads over the holidays.. Yes.. I am painfully painfully aware. Wow, am I ever aware..Check the ads. EVERY.SINGLE.DAY! Its going to be my new mantra. 😆😘