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Say what you want about Tom Cruise but he's a very talented actor.

An actor is someone who can fill the screen while acting and not make you wish they hadn't.
Ceinwyn · 26-30, F
No he isn’t, he plays “Tom Cruise” no matter what part he’s cast.
ninalanyon · 61-69, T
@Ceinwyn I liked him in War of the Worlds. I think it was an exception to the rule.
@ninalanyon That was a terrific movie, Scarry as hell. 👌
Right.. same as Leo..
and Depp..
Not sure I like them as ppl, but damn they can act..
Talented. Brainwashed cultist, but, yeah, talented.
calicuz · 56-60, M

Please tell me you're not a motivational speaker in your spare time. 😅
calicuz · 56-60, M
Yes, I've always said myself: "Say what you want about Tom Cruise, but the man knows how to make great films."

And I mean in all aspects, from choosing the right script to supporting actors to choosing the right directors. I mean, just look at the credits, and there are at least half a dozen or more Executive Producers and Producers. He knows how to put together a good team to make great films.
turnedtostone · 56-60, F
And that's all that matters!😠
So he's a cultist is that sooo bad?🤨
Uh ... nevermind 😳
I always thought he was a total non-talent.

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