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Name an old person you see as sexy.

Liam Neeson is very hot/sexy in my eyes for being an old man😍
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@Morvoren He’s old from my perspective. These other folks would be "age-appropriate" for me. 🤨
Morvoren · F
@bijouxbroussard Okay grandma, you can have your pick of the 85 year olds. Just let him take his meds before you put him down for the night. 😂
Burnley123 · 41-45, M
@bijouxbroussard His Neice agrees. 😧
not old
Older 🙂
@robingoodfellow Bless your heart ! 😂
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@Troubledchick99 Ok then ,I have a question.

What would you Prefer to date a 60 year old ,healthy and in great shape

Or a 40 year old morbidly obese and unhealthy?
Troubledchick99 · 31-35, F
The 60 year old😇@Ryderbike
@Troubledchick99 good choice. It’s never been about age. It’s about health , attitude and how he treats you.

You want a man that appreciates you for who you are . Don’t let age get in the way,
Gal Gadot
Ruby Rose
marsbar · F
@Nunlover Eff you!! 🤣🤣🤣 I’m not old, just older. 😌😌😎✌🏼

@marsbar no more compliments for you 😂
DareeQn · 31-35, F
hmmm if you are going 50 and up then The Rock, Salma Hayek and Elizabeth Hurley
Morvoren · F
Yeah I can see that. Daniel Day-Lewis works in that category too.
Reba McIntyre, Julia Roberts, and if I liked guys Bruce Willis
Burnley123 · 41-45, M
Helen Mirren, when I was a teenager and she was in her forties.
Belinda Carlisle
Both are beautiful ladies
GunFinger · F
Eddie Cibrian - well he's older
Jason Statham
Carol Vorderman and Dawn Neesom
rrraksamam · 31-35, M
Monica Bellucci
Hugh Jackman, Sean Connery
Cindy Crawford
Lilymoon · F
Brad Pitt although he's not that old 🤭
uncalled4 · 56-60, M
Helen Mirren.
iamonfire696 · 41-45, F
Cole Hauser
Jeffrey Dean Morgan
Will Yun Lee
Mark Ruffalo

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