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So Amber Heard & Johnny Depp trial is finally done.

Poll - Total Votes: 19
Amber (Turd) I mean Heard
Johnny Depp
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Question is: Who do you think the jury will vote in favor of and why?

My opinion: I personally think Johnny will win because Amber made herself look like a liar way too many times and came out contradicting herself on top of everything. It does piss me off how the image consultant compared her career to that of Zendaya's. Amber wishes and could only dream that she was as talented and made a positive and powerful long lasting impression like Zendaya did. Another thing is I hope this trial doesn't affect or discourage current and future actual DV victims from speaking out against their attackers due to the fear that they will be branded a liar and a fake. I also secretly suspect Amber's own sister Whitney is a victim of her big sister's physical and mental abuse and is too terrified to speak out against her in fear of retaliation and obviously due to her family obligation to Amber and all. Whitney just has that look written all over her face. I honestly don't know if it's just me thinking that though or if some of you feel the same as I do? Tell me what you guys think by voting in the poll and comment your own opinions on this delicate yet public matter. Thanks a bunch!
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duckduckbooze · 51-55, F
Me too doesn't mean, only me.
She made herself sound like she's too good to stoop low and be a doormat, I mean, victim of domestic abuse.
She lied so badly it was downright confusing and insulting.
alainc2490 · 31-35, M
@duckduckbooze I agree. She made the Metoo movement seem like a joke. Like I said in my post, I just pray this doesn't affect current DV victims from speaking out against their attackers due to the fear of being branded liars.
PatKirby · M

Liars gonna lie.
duckduckbooze · 51-55, F
@alainc2490 I doubt it, since she has made the MeToo movement a joke and she is clearly a liar, that means she's not a DV victim.
Actual victims can't be considered liars because an actress played the role (terribly) of a beaten woman.
PatKirby · M

She's the biggest liar I've Amber heard.
alainc2490 · 31-35, M
@PatKirby Best pun ever!!
PatKirby · M
Like tippers placing their vote, you can see through the courtroom crap like you can see through these glasses - no one gave a hoot to Amber.

Johnny should've paid attention when the Amber Alert first went off.
nedkelly · 61-69, M
What a waste of court time
alainc2490 · 31-35, M
@nedkelly How so if I may ask?
PatKirby · M

In Britain I think they call it 'perversion of justice' when you waste the court's time and money like this.
@PatKirby Too many in the celebrity world suffer great pangs of vanity. Keeps the tabloids afloat though!
But to be fair, despite my comment, as for Depp, I have enjoyed his varied roles in acting. He’s a versatile actor.
Penny · 46-50, F
i haven't seen any of this. care to share a summary?
ozgirl512 · 26-30, F
@Penny in short, he said, she said
@Penny Johnny Depp in his fifties leaves his long term partner and mother of his kids and shacks up with Amber Heard in her 20s. They marry. About 15 months later she rocks up at a courtroom with a bruise on her cheek for a restraining order. A video of Depp slaming cupboards is leaked to TMZ. She later writes an op ed about how she survived "sexual assualt" (the first time this allegationis raised) and blowback for going public. Depp loses his roles in Pirates of the Carribean and Fantastic Beasts. The Sun in London publishes an article in England calling Depp a "wife beater." Depp sues but loses. The case decided by a judge. Johnny then sues Amber for the op-ed she wrote.

Over the course of time it becomes clear that audio exists - mostly taped by Amber - that reveals her verbally abusing Johhny and admitting to hitting him. She infamously tells him to tell people, a judge and jury, who would believe that he a man, is also a victim of domestic violence

Over the course of the trial more info like this comes out and Johnny talks about her throwing a bottle that both crushed and caused him to lose part of his finger. There are also photos of him with scratches to his face and a black eye.

Most witnesses contradict Heards story.

Her proof is mainly photographs where She appears to have mild injuries, that disappear the next day. This seems inconsistent with both the levels of violence, claimed injuries, such as broken nose, and Depp wearing rings on his fingers

Jury currently considering both Depps defamation claim, and Heards counterclaim

Heards initial divorce requests was essentially blackmail, ie you give me what I want or certain unsavory facts will have to go public

She later claimed that she didn't want anything from Depp and would donate the $7 million She recieved to a children's hospital and yhe ACLU. Later she publically announced this had been donated on Danish television. However this was not the case. When challenged about this in court she claimed She uses donate and pledged synonymously. 😁👍
Penny · 46-50, F
@SW-User thank you
I think the focus on Amber by the mainstream media is doing us all a great disservice by refusing to even consider that Johnny Depp, a man, could be a victim of domestic violence

Hopefully his win will help abused people everywhere, by raising the awareness of female on male violence and the fact that abusers often portray themselves as the victim

The fact a person can lie so remorselessly in the face of evidence, and be believed, is terrifying
alainc2490 · 31-35, M
@SW-User Yes this shows that being a victim isn't one sided and doesn't discriminate against any specific gender, race or sex and that anyone can be a victim. Not just females
PatKirby · M

How dare you even contemplate Amber was not the victim? She's a poor, defenseless and fragile flower that would never do such vile things - then have the audacity to Lie about it in court!


Let's face it for what it really is, men don't admit a female beat up on them because the public would see him as a weakling sissy who didn't just take it like a man. At least Johnny had the wherewithal to defend himself, but we can see what that got him - a missing fingertip. This perp is an out of control, violent person who in all likelihood will never serve an hour incarcerated.

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