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I waited on a celebrity at work

I'm a cashier and a few days ago I waited on the guy who played Kramer on Seinfeld. I've never seen the show myself, and he had a huge straw hat on and wouldn't speak to anyone. I had to show him how to use the credit card machine and he wasn't at all friendly. He was with a very snotty middle aged blonde headed lady. After they left, everyone came running up to me telling me who he was.
Anyone else waited on a celebrity at your work? Over the years I have waited on Pauly Shore, Diana Ross, Steve Harvey, a lot of professional wrestlers, basketball and football players, etc.
reflectingmonkey · 51-55, M
wow, that's awesome. I have never accidently met a celebrity unless you count a hitman who was to become very famous in the news later on as the main assassin of the local hells angels. the most famous person I've spoken to I think was Lou Ferrigno who played the Hulk in the old Hulk TV show. He was very nice, gave me training tips.
Mardrae · F
@reflectingmonkey wow!! That's awesome!
Jonjdw · 51-55, M
Worked at Mario Andretti‘s car wash. I did get to see him there. Shook hands with the ultimate warrior. I think that is it for me. Did get Sterling Marlon’s autograph from him
Jenny1234 · 51-55, F
I delivered room service to John Stamos in the eighties
Mardrae · F
@Jenny1234 sweet! A friend of mine saw him at a big party at the Peabody hotel in Memphis Tennessee and she was all dressed in leather and he grabbed her and kissed her and she was completely obsessed with him for many years after that.
In 1989 part of my job responsibilities involved calling back customers and making arrangements for our techs to go out and set up services. I called and spoke to a person’s representative who didn’t want to give information that we needed, like the types of existing outlets, so the tech could bring the right items. I explained patiently why I was asking and apologized if the questions sounded intrusive.

I heard someone on the extension tell the guy to "get off the line", he would handle it. After that guy clicked off, this one apologized, gave me the information I’d asked for and described what he was hoping to have done. We set up an appointment, and I asked if I could verify his name and the spelling (I honestly didn’t recognize it then).
"Tupac Shakur," he said.
Pretzel · 61-69, M
drove a van with some of the Lynard Skinnard bad members in it- wasn't impressed.
Mardrae · F
@Pretzel I don't blame you. I met ZZtop at a bar when I was young and they were rude and crude. I wasn't impressed either.
I have met several.
rosyhills · 31-35, F
I don't really believe Steve Harvey went to a store and stood in line to make a purchase though 🤔
rosyhills · 31-35, F
@Mardrae You may need to re-read what I posted. Nowhere in my message did I call you a liar. I simply stated that I didn't believe it.
Mardrae · F
@rosyhills well if you don't believe what I said about Steve Harvey being in my store, you're implying that I am lying. I saw him, you didn't. Do you honestly think that celebrities sit in their homes 24/7 and never go in public places, just because they are famous? I never said he was just out alone, shopping. He had a couple of people with him, maybe a bodyguard or something like that. All I know is that it WAS him, and people at work were asking him for his autograph and he refused.
rosyhills · 31-35, F
well if you don't believe what I said about Steve Harvey being in my store, you're implying

I didn't imply you are lying. I simply don't believe your story.

Do you honestly think that celebrities sit in their homes 24/7 and never go in public places, just because they are famous?

No, I do not. Some use personal shoppers.

Enjoy the rest of your Saturday
uncalled4 · 56-60, M
Never waited on, but rubbed shoulders with a couple of people who were nice/pleasant. Very few celebs have been anything but nice.
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