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Right now the tactical synthesis favors the Air Craft Carrier. If we gave the Navy a battleship, it would be used as support to a carrier group, not operating independently.
This will radically change soon. As I just pointed out on another post, we have portable lasers able to shoot missiles down mid flight. This requires line of sight, and so the curvature of the earth comes into play (large scale carrier battles are big enough to consider such a factor). But jot much difference between shooting down a missile and a advanced war fighter aircraft.
At that point I suspect the tactical synthesis will swing back in favor of battleships able to hide out over the direct line of sight of the surface and lob big heavy, dense ammo that doesn't easily ignite or interact with lasers, but rather goes off on a timed fuse, or GPS confirmed coordinates. That's big shrapnel, for something able to take a laser cooking and keep going, but that's the direction we will be heading in within the next 50 years.
I think the old ideas of orbiting kenetic rods will be tried and will be given up on (Iran already demonstrated it can hit the camera on a US Spy Satellite with a blinding laser), and we already experimented with the lasers on B2s and C-130 aircraft, so it js whoever gets line of sight first. I favor a battleship in this regard, as it can carry most instruments for detection and more staff for analysis. And it better be capable of carrying a larger power bank, and engadging more targets.
But for the moment, a carrier is the queen of the battle. Note Battlestar Galatica was all traditional gun and missile batteries on a space carrier, it didn't have the laser tech we currently have. We are just at the earliest stages of deploying them.
This will radically change soon. As I just pointed out on another post, we have portable lasers able to shoot missiles down mid flight. This requires line of sight, and so the curvature of the earth comes into play (large scale carrier battles are big enough to consider such a factor). But jot much difference between shooting down a missile and a advanced war fighter aircraft.
At that point I suspect the tactical synthesis will swing back in favor of battleships able to hide out over the direct line of sight of the surface and lob big heavy, dense ammo that doesn't easily ignite or interact with lasers, but rather goes off on a timed fuse, or GPS confirmed coordinates. That's big shrapnel, for something able to take a laser cooking and keep going, but that's the direction we will be heading in within the next 50 years.
I think the old ideas of orbiting kenetic rods will be tried and will be given up on (Iran already demonstrated it can hit the camera on a US Spy Satellite with a blinding laser), and we already experimented with the lasers on B2s and C-130 aircraft, so it js whoever gets line of sight first. I favor a battleship in this regard, as it can carry most instruments for detection and more staff for analysis. And it better be capable of carrying a larger power bank, and engadging more targets.
But for the moment, a carrier is the queen of the battle. Note Battlestar Galatica was all traditional gun and missile batteries on a space carrier, it didn't have the laser tech we currently have. We are just at the earliest stages of deploying them.
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bikelover · 56-60, M
Battleship,, I like big guns 😊
@bikelover you probably also drive a lifted truck because you think it will make people think you have a big peepee
dancingtongue · 80-89, M
I thought Billy Mitchell settled this argument nearly a century ago. The more impressive above sea these days are probably missile cruisers, and most of all, the nuclear powered submarines carrying missile beneath the sea that you can't see with the naked eye.
1490wayb · 56-60, M
imagine launching a volkswagon 10 miles thru the air hundreds of times daily
Crazywaterspring · 61-69, M
An aircraft carrier anchored in a foreign port. (USS America, Naples IT, 1988)
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