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Veterans Suicide Hotline now has appointments MARCH of next year.

Is this another example of cluelessness? Or lack of funding?

A veteran who calls a suicide hotline needs to be seen IMMEDIATELY!!!!
Oster1 · M Best Comment
This is so disturbing and disgusting. It makes me absolutely sick!
Want to bet the VA Administration gets a pay raise. I despise these reprobates.😔

revenant · F
Same in canada. You have an emergency ? see you perhaps in 18 months' time
4meAndyou · F
@revenant Unless you are dead...which is entirely likely.
Driver2 · M
They probably took the funds to resettle infected illegals
Oberon1 · 61-69, M
The VA has done everything I could not do as far as survival is concerned. I love and respect the VA. They have saved my life more than twice. I love my country. I hate what is happening to my country.
4meAndyou · F
@Oberon1 I am glad. I just wish the vets calling the suicide hotline were not being pushed away for four months!!!!
Oberon1 · 61-69, M
@4meAndyou They saved my life on medical issues alone. Then survival issues.
Budwick · 70-79, M
Another example how big government is incapable.
Add an administration that really doesn't give a shit about military, and disaster is brewing.
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Madgirl · 26-30, F
new weapons are more important then old soldiers... priorities
4meAndyou · F
@carpediem On the news this morning. MARCH of NEXT YEAR!!!!
carpediem · 61-69, M
@4meAndyou awful.
Oster1 · M
Thinking about this, it makes sense. It’s all part of the demons, proclivity towards death.
4meAndyou · F
@Oster1 We know that overpopulation of the planet is a real thing, and more people = less food and eventual starvation for millions. I often wonder, lately, if this de-population has been engineered.

Fatal Fentanyl shipped in by the kilo, fatal fentanyl sold to kids online, drug cartels basically running the entire world, abortion and more abortion, China and the Wuhan virus...and the fears of pregnant women that their babies will be harmed by the vaccines.

And NOW...massive cost increases in the things that keep us alive...heating oil, propane, natural gas, and FOOD.

Are we being culled? Or is this a bloodless war engineered by China?
Oberon1 · 61-69, M
@4meAndyou This is a demolition job done by Biden Incorporated. Demolition.
luv2fly352 · 70-79, M
Over the past 20 years or so in my V.A. PTSD group we can call and/or visit another veteran who's having suicidal ideations, severe depression, etc. So far so good.
I mean if they can leave you to fend for yourself with the Taliban . . . I don't think they care much if you off yourself sadly
Oster1 · M
Thank you, for BC! Honestly, I do not take great pleasure, under these circumstances.😔
4meAndyou · F
@Oster1 No one could. But your comment was heartfelt, and your sentiments align with mine.
Oster1 · M
@4meAndyou Once again, thank you. 😊🤗💛💐
sexypreschooler · 31-35, F
probably b/c of lack of staff
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