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Are You Ashamed Now, Leftists? Or Are You Incapable Of IT?

Because Iran shot down a drone, a piece of equipment you can buy for personal use, there were those in the USA Congress and media who wanted an immediate attack on Iran in retaliation. When the attack was readied PRESIDENT Trump asked his generals "How many people will be killed if we strike?" When the reply "About 150" came he canceled the order/ "A drone an unmanned plane... for 150 lives? It was disproportionate. All the victims have families..." and called it off.

NAME ME a recent president who has displayed such reason, balance and humanity? Who stepped back from war? Which recent president was STRONG ENOUGH morally and psychologically to do that? To change his mind and go against his war-mongering advisors and choose another path? Obama with is "drone war" that killed women and children in Pakistan? The Bushies? I think not. Because President Trump is not only a real man. He is his OWN man. is not Trump who is disgusting and stupid and a traitor. Those characteristics belong to the people here and elsewhere with their stupid jokes about and uninformed opinions of the man based on nothing more than what they are spoon-fed by the hate-filled media...someone named Samantha Vinograd a 36 year old "national security" analyst (what?) on CNN (of COURSE) was CRITICAL of the decision...for whatever reason. Maybe she gets off on war and killing, who knows, but there you are...if you ever doubted the immorality and hateful stupidity of CNN go watch that!

So keep hating Trump, Lefties. At least 150 are alive today who would not be if he was not president. Like I said you ought to be ashamed but I am afraid that emotion doesn't exist among Fascists.

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NoSugar · 22-25, F
you need to visit a doctor and check your brain... maybe you have a tumor. your twisted perception of reality is a strong indicator of brain damage
NoSugar · 22-25, F
@jetpack yeah... not blaming you there... but this is justz hillarious.
Abrienda · 26-30, F
@NoSugar No darling...we have stated a fact...Trump was going to do something and then choose not to for the reasons he gave ...YOU are making an assumption his staff had something to do with it...and that is based on????

You really are hysterical and cannot seem to argue without turning your brain and mouth into a sewer...but you are the well adjusted one here, right?
Abrienda · 26-30, F
@NoSugar And no you did not give links in the comment I was all obscenity and personal attacks. I have no time for people who must dirty up my post with their restroom language and delete such trollish comments.

There were no "links" to anything. As I said you are a liar as well as unhinged.
Abrienda · 26-30, F
@HannahSky A distinction without a difference. The point is it is a drone the TYPE of which you don't know I might add. So a drone is a drone. Understood?

Sorry but your comment is banal and tiresome. You have no idea what you claim took place while I have just reported the simple facts which NO ONE BUT KNOW-NOTHINGDS LIKE YOU dispute (you even know who his advisors are? Ever heard about John Bolton? I see not).

So ANOTHER conspiracy theory? Trump wanted to attack but was stopped by people like John Bolton? Your hate level is so great you cannot accept anything that does not fit your hatred. Sad.
PlumBerries · 31-35, F
this thread goes to show that you can not have a difference of opinion without others threatening violence upon you and personally attacking you with insults yet the same people preach about love, acceptance, tolerance and being progressive
LTKISS · 56-60, M
@PlumBerries You are so correct.
Liberals will continue to hate anything that our Great President does no matter what.

Over $128 billion is what illegal immigration has cost this country so far this year and the POTUS can't get $5 billion to help stop it along with the influx of drugs that kill more than 60,000 Americans every year.

The Trump Derangement Syndrome that liberals suffer from is a National health crisis.

If anyone is a traitor or Anti-American it is the people that will not back anything good our President wants to do for our country.

If you think Iran having nuclear weapons is a good idea, then you are a moron.

Please get on your Democrat Jackasses and ride your asses out of this country.
Abrienda · 26-30, F
@BiDaddy I should have left ALL the posts by nosugar and sarin up but my rule is no obscenity accompanied by personal attacks against people who have not done the same.
@Abrienda understood
UckfayOuyayOotay · 51-55, M
Seems to me most presidents would have gotten that information long before the launch of the attack rather than as an after thought just a few minutes beforehand, and would have weighed the decision for a bit rather than making a last minute snap judgement, and maybe not bragged so publicly about failing to think of that until so close to the deadline and wasting millions of tax payer dollars in the preparation of an attack that was called off as an after thought.
Abrienda · 26-30, F
@UckfayOuyayOotay You speak of course as a former president or PM of a powerful or even insignificant nation, yes?

Funny, I Googled your username and nothing came up, so please be so good as to provide links to any books papers or video presentations you have done that provide insightful analysis based on your years of experience as a head of state.

However, if you are presently too busy attending the Kyoto summit, we can wait.

Thank you.
UckfayOuyayOotay · 51-55, M
@Abrienda It took you eight days to come up with that weak reply? 😂
Abrienda · 26-30, F
@UckfayOuyayOotay So what does the time frame tell you about the importance I attached to answering your post?🤔

I was merely pointing out that you are a pompous little ass who is too uniformed and insignificant to grasp the complexity of what you were talking which by your non-reply reply you just proved....something that can be said of all "men" who use emoticons to amplify tbeir "thoughts", btw.

As for my reply being "weak" it was obviously too strong for you to address.
PlumBerries · 31-35, F
they would rather live in their fantasy world instead of actually acknowledge anything trump does that is positive
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This message was deleted by the author of the main post.
PlumBerries · 31-35, F
I am not conservative for the record, and people like you is why so many don't take the left serious anymore
lucyyy · 51-55, F
JFK during Cuban Missile Crisis,did exactly that ...defied the hawks of war when a few US planes got shot down over cuba. Abraham Lincoln refused to hang "all Confederate officers" including even Jefferson Davis.,the President of the Confederacy..... Sadly JFK and LIncoln were then shot as a result themselves for defieing the hawks.
MidknightMischief · 41-45, M
You are absolutely 100% right! You’ve presented an argument with FACTS instead of following the mainstream’s EMOTIONAL rhetoric! Thank you.
HannahSky · F
I didn't know I could buy a military drone
[image/video deleted]
Kwek00 · 41-45, M
@HannahSky Luckely sane people post stories about. So all of us can be informed 👫
HannahSky · F
@Kwek00 lol
LTKISS · 56-60, M
You are so correct here again.
lucyyy · 51-55, F
Obama used the drone to kill over 250 people in his first 3 months of his administration. Bravo Trump for choosing mercy over pressure from the "dogs,these hawks of war"," As if there was "Nothing worse than love and compassion." There is no power in killing someone.....but it takes great power to save life.
this is why they shouldn’t allow internet access in mental hospitals
I'm in that beautiful position of simply not caring 😂 War with Iran would be a fucking mess and should be avoided. If Trump did indeed call off an attack then good on him.
Abrienda · 26-30, F
@SW-User THAT is the entire point I was trying to make. Osama bin Laden was killed under Obama's presidency...and congratulations to him even though I despise him,he deserves credit for getting it done. But as you see the hatred here simply rules the Left and instead of taking the mature path you did they immediately start with filthy language, personal attacks (reported btw) and what they do best...create new conspiracy theories when the facts do not conform to their view.
LTKISS · 56-60, M
@Abrienda Exactly. I give you credit for giving credit where it is due.
It's always very easy to predict what the left is going to say or do. They tried to put Trump in a no-win situation. Either he would respond militarily, and then be blamed for being a war monger, or he'd do nothing, and then the spin would be that Trump is a pussy and Putin's puppet.

Trump's response was perfect. He acknowledged that Iran shot down a $110 million drone, but no personnel were hurt. So he applied economic sanctions, and added some cyber attacks to these Islamist asswipes don't do it again.
Abrienda · 26-30, F
@BizSuitStacy Exactly...which will hurt the government who is the world enemy, not kill people who may in fact be against that regime.
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NoSugar · 22-25, F
@Sarin he fucking ordered a military strike cause he was throwing a tantrum and his staff had to stop him
Sarin · 26-30, M
@NoSugar that's right.

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