Are Recruiters Really That Busy?
My recruiter for the Coast Guard told me to give him a week to get a meps date for me. Well it's a week later I contact him and he tells me to give him an hour to get back to the office and he'll let me know. Well he never contacted me back yesterday. I was gonna text him today but I know cuz of the snow everywhere is closed and he won't be in. So now I'm waiting even longer to try to find out what's going on. Are recruiters really that busy that they completely forget about people their trying to recruit? I mean the guy seemed really impressed with me when I was in the office and said it was rare that I had absolutely no medial problems whatsoever, not even a broken bone and gave me the Helmsman Coast Guard Basic Training book in Advance and said that he doesn't think there's gonna be any reason why I couldn't get in. So I'm just wondering if this guy is giving me the run around or what?