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So it's 6:30 AM and I haven't slept.

Not even tired. This probably isn't a great sign.
summersong · F
Not the best but if you made it through sober that’s a pretty good test that you passed there.
@summersong that's something to hold on to. Thanks 😚 i needed that
summersong · F
@SW-User I’m not really good at being serious but it’s no joke and you have every right to be proud of it 💚
rub your chest slowly .. and sing a lullaby ..
you'll sleep well .. i hope <3
@SW-User i mean, you could always sing a lullaby for me 🥺
@SW-User sure, just get ready for a tsunami .. that's how bad my singing is 😅
@SW-User I think I'm in love 🥺
Have you tried listening to podcasts or audiobooks? I do it while cleaning if I’m angsty it’s a good distraction for stuff
deadgerbil · 22-25, F
Sleep is essential to muscle recovery and fighting ability

The more you know!

*Spins off into the void
@deadgerbil i would be a million times the athlete I am if I actually took care of myself
I didn’t sleep much either, after we spoke I went to make crumpets
@SW-User don't be a stereotype ffs Sophie
Elessar · 26-30, M
@Elessar major stress. I'm not feeling 100% stable either. The lack of sleep only makes it worse
Elessar · 26-30, M
@SW-User Eh damn, relatable, I'm sorry to hear. But yes as you said keep in mind that *will* potentially create a vicious cycle, lack of sleep is to stress what gasoline is to fire usually.

Take the Sunday for yourself; postpone anything that doesn't critically need to be done straight away and cut a couple of hours for doing something you enjoy. A walk, a bike ride, a couple of hours at the beach if applicable, anything. And if it gets you sleepy don't hesitate to get back the hours you missed last night.
eyeno · M
Think you might have over done it...,

bro, you’re getting into a weird place. are your friends new?
@deathfairy Ah it's okay. It's probably just a mental breakdown caused by paranoia and lack of sleep 😅

Also, I've known these friends for years. I just didn't live with them
Surely there is a sweet young lady that can help this user who is in need of love & care or may be at risk of committing self-injury.

Help him, please

pregnancy ?
Its okay tho, i slept for like 3 hours and I don't feel any less sane yet
iamonfire696 · 41-45, F
@SW-User sleep is important for your well being 💖

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