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How can I stop isolating myself from everyone and start putting myself out there?

I always used to catch up with friends on social media sites, but for the past year I’ve been isolating myself more and more (most likely from burnout). I rarely talk with or start a conversation with them anymore. I don’t want to ruin any relationships with my friends. How can I improve? A couple of months ago i made a new friend and he kept checking on me texting me and keep in touch and he always wanted to meet and hang out so i just had serious self talk that i don't wanna lose people anymore and I'm not happy this way it's just keeps making me miserable so i forced myself to go out more and it was the best decision i Ever mad i was never that happy man i regret what I've been missing i had an amazing moments and i even started checking on other friends and call them more often Society depresses me, I just want to stay away from people...
My complains are really dumb, but it's the little things that hurt me because I am really emotionally weak. I am really scared that people see something they don't like and inmediatelly hate you for it...
I know everyone is social distancing and staying inside as much as possible but I feel like I wanna be even more alone. I don't go out apart from work and at home I usually watch TV shows and anime. I'm pretty happy with this lifestyle but I just miss traveling. However, recently I started feeling like I wanna take a break from social media all together. I'm starting to lack the energy to text and reply to my friend's mesages. I wanna watch more stuff, possibly write about movies and shows I enjoy. Just wanna take this break till I'm ready to talk with people again. I would like to know why I feel this way though I've been by myself for a while now.
And I am even more sad because there is no way to talk with people with a bit of respect so we can understand each other... no, they will just insult you and laugh at you.
For their sake. Every time I try to interact with people, I say the stupidest things and they react in the exact way I don't want them to. It's like I accidentally offend everyone somehow. Maybe I'm just subconsciously trying to sabotage all my relationships. Every time I hit a high, I hit a worse low. I'm so stupid. I just don't act right.
Why do I want to distance myself with everyone when I feel really lonely and crave connections with other people?
In this past months I've been extremely lonely, even though I was surrounded by friends and people that I care about. Last week I decided to quit social media and talking to my friends and I'm starting to isolate myself. Since then my mood shifted a lot, I was great and really confident, I was in a great mental state and I was happy to be alone but today things change.
Today I woke up disturbed because of a dream I had where my ex was making fun of how I felt about us and about her, that really messed me up and since I woke up I'm feeling really lonely and I'm craving connection with other human beings again, more specifically love.
However, I felt even more the need to keep isolating myself despite my suffering. Today was the first time that I cried because of how lonely i feel.
I don't trust any of these people. But I still idealize them when I get a glimmer of hope that maybe they'll be my future boyfriend or best friend. Maybe they're the "other half" I need to fill the hole in me.
I get so happy. I hit rock bottom. I'm used to this cycle after a year of an abusive relationship, where everyday was a never-ending rollercoaster of polar opposite emotions.
I'm getting therapy next Thursday. It's time to get better. I just hope I'm not broken to the point of no repair. It's really getting to be too much to handle. I'm scared of myself.
Do you ever get the urge to distance yourself from everyone when someone wrongs you?
I've seen some friends I've had in the past open up to a group of our friends and they were accepting. I'm no longer friends with those people because I've moved, but even now... Idk i dont think I'd be able to open up. I wanted to tell my last roommates so they would understand why it was so hard to get out of bed sometimes. My roommates at the time got so angry and wanted me to hang out with them more... But it was like the angrier they got the more I hid from them. Eventually I moved out because of how things got between us... But i just feel so ashamed of myself? And I'm not sure why. Just the things I've done because of depression, self mutilation... The few people I have opened up to were shocked and grossed out. Just didn't understand and I think because of those few experiences I'm terrified to open up to anyone. Not that I really have any close fiends Atm to open up to... But idk if I could in the future
I remember thinking when I was younger, Gah why do adults always say it's hard to make real friends. I remember having the best of friends, and so many of them. Then I moved out of town and at the time Internet wasn't very big yet and being so young it's not like we have beepers. We always played outside so I didn't call them much, as they just weren't home/inside often.
I realized it's been a year and a half find I saw my cousins. To make matters worse they are geographically located close to me. I've even got married and anther had a kid over the lsst year which I didn't find out about except through word of mouth and social media which I all basically dead on.
Recently I had a (few) bad episodes (breakdowns?) with various friends and I started lashing out at them. After that, I decided it probably was for the best for me to isolate myself for a while, because honestly, no one deserves to be on the end of me being an ass to them. And I could probably do without every little thing about them triggering me as well.
But despite all that, it's been getting painfully hard to get through the days with no one to really speak to. Every now and then, I find myself grabbing my phone, considering just hopping back on social media, or some messaging app and reaching out to someone, anyone, but then stopping myself right before it by thinking about what'll happen if I do. My mind knows (thinks?) that I can't handle the company of others, but my heart (?) is so desperately craving it.
I don't know which is the worse of the two at the moment, the emotional pitfall of company, or the emotional sinkhole of loneliness.
Now that's exactly what I do, OP. I miss having those close friends but at this point I can't even keep a good relationship with my 6 year old baby sister. Let alone anyone else.
I have the worst time conversing with one person, alone. And i it's been... Over a decade and a half since I've had a friend of the same gender. yay for feeling like a failure at relationships and friendships.
For others, they may be unable to make an emotional connection with another human being because they lack self confidence, or they are extremely shy, or they struggle with emotional regulation, or they are depressed or maybe they simply never learned how to play well with others. Anxiety can also make people feel angry and when they don't know why they're angry, it's easy to associate this feeling with being around other people. Whenever I have an argument with one of my friends it makes me realize how nobody actually cares for me and I would be better off alone(though I can’t actually stand the feeling of loneliness). I honestly don’t know if this is just in my head, but it gets to the point where I feel as if nobody is truly my friend and everyone stays with me out of pity or to take advantage of the fact that I’m always there for them. I want to thank each and every one of you that took the time to respond to my post. I didn’t think so many people would interact with it and it’s quite a strange feeling to get so much good advice and kind words. I doubt people I actually know irl would do what y’all have done and I gotta say it feels amazing to be seen and understood. Sending muich love to all of you!
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No use doing stuff when there is less to null urge.

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