Have you ever been hired for a job that you didn't apply for?
I did once! I casually walked into this Bristol wearing a long form fitted black dress, in hand was a large set of wind chimes wrapped like a bouquet of flowers. When the owner guided me to my seat I followed, she asked me if I had a bouquet of flowers I said no they're wind chimes. We casually talked about school and such then the next thing she said was YOU'RE HIRED!!!! My face must have dropped.. I was only there to get a drink not a job! I didn't apply, no resume she just picked me out from the crowd! I am not proud of this but I just didn't show up the next day...
Ahh and I just remembered I dove into a pool once and the lifeguard watching me said they were looking for more lifeguards if I was interested.
Ahh and I just remembered I dove into a pool once and the lifeguard watching me said they were looking for more lifeguards if I was interested.