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How can you resist feeding him?

He is a cheeky,
greedy little bird. He flies around the windows, peering in and screeching for food.
Fairydust · F
I’ve had a robin come to my balcony a few times this week.
Love watching them, I bought more meal worms and sunflower seeds today for them. 🥰🐦
meggie · F
@Fairydust they want meal worms sometimes, but mostly want Madelines (french white sponge cake), which I buy from Lidl for them. They wont eat chocolate cake.
Fairydust · F
@meggie aw so cute, keep posting pics 🥰🐦✨
Sweetheart ❤️
Magenta · F
Aw he's so cute. I'd put a little feeder out for him/her. There are a ton of birds here, many of them sneak in and eat the chickens feed and seeds. 😄
meggie · F
@Magenta i can't as there are too many squirrels and birds. I can only hand feed.
Magenta · F
@meggie Ah that's sweet.
supersnipe · 61-69, M
I was wire-brushing and painting something under a car a couple of years ago. 'Inspector Robin' showed up to check on my work three days running. He'd stop about a foot from my head! They are bold little things. I think they know we like them, and they are also aware that we sometimes disturb the ground. They must have evolved to follow animals like pigs which disturb the earth, so to them we are like tall pigs!
smiler2012 · 56-60
@meggie 😆awww it is cute lol you got too admire the cheek of it lol

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