It was just over 12 years ago -
That the badly decomposed body of our youngest son was found. To say we were devastated is an understatement. However we survived and moved on and throughout the grieving process the song "His Eye Is On The Sparrow" kept going through my mind. I decided to get a memorial tattoo of a sparrow on a twig on my forearm. Almost 12 years to the day of that fateful event our daughter brought us a baby sparrow. It had fallen out of its nest and the nest was way too high to reach. We decided to see if we could raise it. The first few days were hard. The baby bird didn't want to eat or drink. The third day it got over its shyness and began eating millet and other seeds we had. It gulped down water and it began to thrive. It seemed to imprint on humans and now loves to cuddle under hair. From the time we get up to the time we go to bed it is either eating or drinking or cuddling. We had originally planned on letting it go when it was able to fly. Now we are not sure if it will leave.