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If someone calls Native American spirituality superstitious, is the person racist and bigoted or ignorant towards indigenous cultures?

The term "superstitious" can be offensive and can come off as insensitive and ignorant.
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I believe in evidence not speculation. If the evidence does exist, enlighten us. Why should I show respect to con artists such as fortune tellers?
Peaceandnamaste · 26-30, F
@BlueSkyKing As a Proud Native American woman I take offense to white men attacking my culture and my traditions.
Peaceandnamaste · 26-30, F
@BlueSkyKing the term superstitious or superstition is a derogatory term towards indigenous cultures because indigenous cultures were marginalized by colonialists by displacing their culture, traditions, customs and spirituality by getting rid of their identity. That term is an imperialistic insult and comes out of ignorance mainly by misinformed westerners that think their culture and worldview is better than the interconnected worldviews of the indigenous people. In indigenous cultures and tradition, all things and the universe is seen as connected and interconnected to each other, through their wisdom and perspective nature is revered and respected.
Peaceandnamaste · 26-30, F
@BlueSkyKing politically I'm democrat and I only lean towards the left side. My values including philosophy and spirituality all lean liberal and progressive and it includes environmentalism which includes revering nature and taking care of the environment, and voting laws for clean air, anti littering, clean water and healthy food, tree planting and against child labor, from women's rights, LGBTQ+ rights, rights for the poor, pro choice, animal rights, anti discrimination, social justice, spiritual freedom, immigration rights, voting rights, equal opportunity, equality for all, anti hate, I believe the rich should be taxed more, public schools should be free, churches should be taxed, gender equality etc.

And most conspiracy theorists, anti vaxxers and flat earthers are mainly right wingers. "Tinfoil hat" and "lizard people" Conspiracy theories are mostly found in the far right leaning side of the political spectrum.

Far right groups like Qanon, Taliban and the KKK are mainly from Christianity and Islam which are from Abrahamic based religions.

Big organized religions like Christianity and Catholicism has the most institutional power in the world which makes it more dangerous than any small philosophical spiritual wisdom systems from a matriarchal or egalitarian tribal society on a faraway island or from a peaceful or a pacifistic hippie commune.

Religious and materialistic Imperialism should be abolished.
Peaceandnamaste · 26-30, F
@BlueSkyKing Its mainly the redneck hick maga loving trumplicans and the conservative gun loving Christians that are making the laws that oppress women, taking voting rights from black people, don't care about the environment and wants child labor back, wants to kick immigrants out, and they also want to ban and burn books, and ban Indigenous groups from practicing their own culture, apparently the environment isn't sacred to conservatives/republicans they see it as disposable and dead matter that will be destroyed by a rapture. They call themselves pro-life when they're actually pro-death, they only value their guns more than the health of the environment and the safety of actual born children. They only care more about the safety of a small unborn fetus than the lives killed by public shootings.

Environmental racism is a real thing and it's affecting black communities, women, native American communities and other impoverished marginalized communities in a negative rate through climate change and increasing natural disasters. Plus there's Social inequalities.

Forms of racism: You have plain bigotry and hate and the use of racial slurs, and of course there's prejudice examples would be the KKK, Neo Nazis and MAGA, and plus the institutional power that comes with it. Segregation and Jim crow is an example of this.

The KKK is a racist Protestant terrorist group that preaches hate against LGBTQ+ people, Black people, women, Catholics, Muslims, atheists, Jews, Hispanics including Native Americans, and they also hate people with disabilities and also hate anyone who is not wealthy or white, anglo Saxon or Protestant.

Racism exists in the structures, institutions and systems of America.

There's different levels of power in systemic racism.

We have environmental racism- Lack of clean water, clean air, inadequate infrastructure, and inadequate plumbing in marginalized communities and neighborhoods. And there's other examples of environmental injustices including the flint water crisis, Arsenic and lead contamination in a well at an Indian reservation and the infamous cancer alley in Louisiana, and sewage problems from bad plumbing plagued a small deep southern town in uniontown Al.

Religious racism- believes segregation and slavery is a "god given right" and that slaves should obey their masters.

Scientific racism- the belief that non white people especially black people and Native Americans are biologically and genetically inferior to anglo saxon white people despite the fact that science today has proven that all humans are 99.9% genetically similar and the small 0.1-0.2% gives us the different phenotypes and traits. We live in a cisgender white male dominated society so Sexism and racism is still today embedded in stereotypes and in society. These caused the medical and health disparities in ethnic minorities in America.
Peaceandnamaste · 26-30, F
@BlueSkyKing Did you know that Native Americans accepted those who are gay and bisexual and are gender diverse and they have a term for it. Two-spirited.

Most Native Americans lean on the left side than the right side. Trump is a misogynistic failure and he's going to prison.

Conservatives tend to attack Native American spirituality and claim men are superior to women. While Native Americans saw women equal to men and were the first feminists. Don't forget that Natives were forced converted to Christianity by colonialists from their cultures and traditions. They were forced into boarding schools and lost most of their language, culture, arts, spirituality, traditions and customs.
And they were forced to worship a patriarchal male God, some were converted to Christianity and some still revere mother earth and saw all things connected and equal.
I use the word spiritual because there's a difference between being religious and being spiritual, "spiritual" is being connected with the universe and seeing yourself a part of the whole.

Christianity and atheism are both patriarchal white cisgender male dominated worldviews.

Christian imperialism, secular imperialism, and patriarchy should be abolished.

I rather term myself as a nontheist than an atheist.

And I rather term myself as spiritual than religious.

Most Native tribes were egaliterian and matriarchal.

In matriarchal societies women were viewed as a sacred and not inferior to women and those societies revered the Earth and Moon as a goddess and embraced the feminine in nature. In egaliterian societies they revered both the Sun and the Earth as a god and goddess. The feminine and the masculine aspects in nature were both revered.

Ancient European societies were mostly patriarchal even their pagan societies were patriarchal too. The deities they mostly revered were masculine, mainly zeus, thor, hades, feminine deites were portrayed as less than.
Peaceandnamaste · 26-30, F
@BlueSkyKing Examples of conservative superstitions comes from mostly abrahamic religions that are patriarchal that put men above women, and controls women's bodies by strict abortion laws, they make laws against LGBTQ+ rights, and they don't care about nature nor the environment, they burn and ban books, or teach Young Earth creationism in schools, laws against free healthcare and they want guns and Confederate flags in schools.

I've never heard of any Indigenous tribes or groups or any indigenous or tribal spiritual wisdom or philosophical group burning books or trying to make laws that attack and marginalize certain groups. Dont forget in the dark ages in Europe, men were burning herbalist women and accusing them of being witches.

Honestly I would think it would be more superstitious or backwards yokel to think there's only 2 binary genders.

Gender is fluid and race is a social construct and climate change is real and the confederate flag is a fascist Trumpist flag.

Marginalized spiritualities and philosophies tend to be more liberal don't threaten society compared to the Conservative majority religion that's ruling.

A religion is a complex system, spirituality and philosophy is not complex, there's no temples, churches or lodges for spirituality or philosophy. Spirituality is liberating and personal, religion enslaves.
Peaceandnamaste · 26-30, F
@BlueSkyKing Replubikkklans also make laws that prohibit Native Americans for practicing their own culture. Meanwhile Replubikkklans go to church every Sunday freely.
Peaceandnamaste · 26-30, F
@BlueSkyKing Republicans ie conservatives are the real con artists. The real enemy are these racist MAGA hicks that flies their Confederate rags not the fortune tellers, they're not posing the threats here, who's really conning and posing threats is Trump and his vicious followers, Trump convinced his followers that the election was rigged and caused an insurrection.

Biden 2024, Trump for prison. Trump is going to jail can't wait for the day. He was racist against Hispanics and Native Americans and mocked their cultures. Trump led to millions of deaths for not taking Covid seriously.

The MAGA Qanon conspiracy theorist hicks and yokels made laws for child labor, against women, wants the bible in schools, and making laws against the use of Marijuana, psychedelics and camping.
Peaceandnamaste · 26-30, F
@BlueSkyKing capitalism is the real enemy, in the end men can't eat money.
Peaceandnamaste · 26-30, F
@BlueSkyKing Conservatards are the real con men.
Peaceandnamaste · 26-30, F
@BlueSkyKing Of course Trumpanzees love to call Native Americans immigrants when their ancestors invaded America, stole their land and gave them smallpox blankets and force converted them to Christianity. The biggest Threat are Abrahamic religions especially Christianity, most wars on Earth are caused by these religions, Christians don't even have a holistic view of the Universe and Nature, so they see Nature and the Universe as disposable and mechanistic. They view humans as being superior to nature and the center of the universe instead of viewing humans part of the circle of life and the whole cosmos.

The patriarchy should be abolished, we need more female leaders, the world would be more better and more cleaner, have less wars if more women lead instead of men.

Those who do littering and destroying the environment and tearing down forests and dumping toxins in waterways are mostly men.

Women litter less
They recycle more
They eat less meat
They are more likely to buy an electric car
They are more concerned about the environment, and vote accordingly
And women leave a smaller carbon footprint

Of course Trumpanzees love to call Native Americans immigrants when their ancestors invaded America, stole their land and gave them smallpox blankets and force converted them to Christianity. The biggest Threat are Abrahamic religions especially Christianity, most wars on Earth are caused by these religions, Christians don't even have a holistic view of the Universe and Nature, so they see Nature and the Universe as disposable and mechanistic. They view humans as being superior to nature and the center of the universe instead of viewing humans part of the circle of life and the whole cosmos.

The patriarchy should be abolished, we need more female leaders, the world would be better and more cleaner, have less wars if women leaded more than men.

Those who do littering and destroying the environment and tearing down forests are mostly men. In a misogynistic patriarchal cisgender white male society anything that's considered spiritual, about love and compassion, empathy, gratitude, and caring about the environment for future generations is considered weak, superstitious and girly, or too feminine.

Women litter less
They recycle more
They eat less meat
They are more likely to buy an electric car
They are more concerned about the environment, and vote accordingly
And women leave a smaller carbon footprint
Peaceandnamaste · 26-30, F
@BlueSkyKing I'm Bisexual and according to Native American cultures I'm basically 2 spirited, and those who are LGBTQ+ are also honoured in Native American culture.

Also it's backwards to assume there's only 2 genders, only Conservatives and Republicans think there's only 2 genders because they're backwards redneck rubes that think only in binary black and white. Republicans and conservatives are also responsible for the school shooting because they love their guns so much that the lives of children don't matter. We need gun control now, these gun loving conservatards should have their guns taken away if they refuse to hand their guns away they should be jailed for 30 days until the police confiscates them.

I bet you're a gun owner, you should have the police take your guns taken away.

Conservatives and Republicans are the problem not spirituality, spirituality is accepting of diversity and inclusiveness including being open to multiple genders and seeing race as a social construct and an illusion since we are all one.

I am against both militant Christians and militant atheists and militant republicans and conservatives that push their ideologies on me, leave me alone and mind your own business.

Biden Harris 2024!!! Trump is arrested and is now going to jail.

Sorry conservatards and Repuketards I will never change what I am and who I am, I am a two-spirited Bisexual, I have both a male spirit and a female spirit in a cis body.

There's a difference between sex and gender, Gender is what you identify and by society and sex is determined by the organs you have and the chromosomes.
@Peaceandnamaste I don’t know if you ever looked at any of my posts. You would lose that bet. Never owned a gun or held a loaded weapon in my life. I support freedom from religion. Often reposting articles from the FFRF.

Peaceandnamaste · 26-30, F
@BlueSkyKing I'm Bisexual and I identify as two spirited. You're backwards to think there's only 2 genders.
@Peaceandnamaste Big deal. I’m trisexual. Meaning I’ll try anything.
Peaceandnamaste · 26-30, F
@BlueSkyKing I was a different gender in a past life, I was a man in a past life and now in this life I was a woman, trans people are the proof of reincarnation to deny LGBTQ is to deny the reality of reincarnation and past lives. Energy cannot be created or destroyed, some of our souls identify with our physical bodies. Proof is two spirited people in Native American culture, and In Hindu culture we have the 3rd gender. The soul transmigrates into different genders, different races, different species and different genders.