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I might just be being particular and overthinking this.

When people get even minor points of clearly fictional stories very wrong it bugs me a little. Like in the Genesis story people will sometimes claim that the serpent is the only one telling the truth. They say that Adam and Eve lied about the serpent, saying that it had lied to them.

Adam and Eve didn't lie and say that the serpent had lied to them, but they did seem to try to deflect blame from themselves. It's a paradoxical thing, they didn't know right from wrong and yet still knew they had been caught doing wrong. After unsuccessfully trying to hide from God (He walked around in the garden looking for them; omniscient and omnipresent my foot!), Adam said that Eve had given him the fruit, and Eve came back with, "The snake tempted me and I ate." The serpent wasn't the only one to tell the truth, Jehovah was the only one to lie. There is a passage somewhere in the New Testament that says that it is impossible for God to lie (omnipotent?). You know who says things like, "I can't lie?" People who lie all the damn time! They lie about lying. It's what liars do.
Colormegone · 70-79, M

If only Wonder Woman and the lasso of truth were there!

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