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I Believe In Karma

It's an interesting premise, because it means you're able to affect your own hopefulness. I guess that's what the Buddha meant by 'right thinking'.

What goes around cones around, they also say, and do what you will but harm none....
Top | New | Old
subhubby · 56-60, M
I believe in “good karma” thinking and always acting/behaving to help others - particularly my wife. I love pleasing her. It brings good karma to our relationship.
okaybut · 56-60, M
I believe it as well...but more of the sense that the evil in part of ourself. That is the karma.
Lonelymanik · 36-40, M
Do your duty and never expect the results "bhagvat gita"
ozgirl512 · 26-30, F
I also believe in karma... But not as some Universal dude that balances the books, more of an if you are an arsehole, you'll only attract arseholes and they will treat you as one

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