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Texas school shooter in hell

As you probably know I’m friends with lucifer the devil he has confirmed ramos the kid responsible for the shootings has been checked into hell his torture? Trapped in the same school to be hunted and murdered the same evil and brutal way by demons for eternity as east street from the walking dead plays on a loop ‘ lucifer sends he condolences to the victims families and can confirm they are in heaven and that if anyone has any torture suggestions for ramos he will pass them on to the demons in hell[media=]
Fairydust · F
[image/video deleted]

Mattbennet · 51-55, M
@Fairydust funnily enough lucifer does look young but he doesn’t have a pitch fork he doesn’t get why he’s always depicted with one
MARTAisback · 22-25, F
Killing is biblical. So why would he be in hell? He would be in heaven with the other psychopaths. Being ruled over and abused by the king psychopath.
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GnosticChristian · 70-79, M
I have a hard time getting people to recognize that in Christianity, Satan is a female.

I cannot drop a picture here, but just look up the Expulsion painting in the Vatican.

Stupid Christians will not admit to the serpent and Satan being female.

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Mattbennet · 51-55, M
@GnosticChristian he’s definitely male the girl in the painting was actually a hooker he slept with one time
GnosticChristian · 70-79, M
@AkioTsukino I can see why you would not like Gnosis.

It requires deeper thinking than yours.

GnosticChristian · 70-79, M
Your thread language seems strange to me when scriptures say that all of us end in heaven.

Do you not believe your bible, and what a God would naturally insist on?

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GnosticChristian · 70-79, M
@AkioTsukino "
God's will is that mankind, as a whole, meaning mankind in general, live forever on earth in peace and without sin. Show me in the Bible where that's wrong."

Your bible indicates that sin is a requirement to God's plan.

Christians sing of Adam's sin being a happy fault and necessary to God's plan. It is when you think of it.

If you cannot dither out the great value of sin, you cannot know God.

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Mattbennet · 51-55, M
@jshm2 no lucifer has been to hell and he’s there crying and begging
LordShadowfire · 46-50, M
Yeah, I've got a suggestion. Make him watch his grandmother die, over and over, and then resurrect her to chase him.
Mattbennet · 51-55, M
@LordShadowfire apparently he was mad at her for contacting police that’s why he shot her but l will pass that on to lucifer
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DocSavage · M
And god punished him unfairly ? What a bastard !
You can also assume that human lost the ability to talk with animals after getting kicked out of Eden. Subject to interpretations, Chuckles. In the older creation myths, it still just a snake.
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DocSavage · M
Which original account would that be ? The one in the bible, or the earlier Mesopotamian one that predates the bible.
Are you aware, that in some versions , the snake has the upper body of a woman. And may be Lilith, Adam’s first wife.

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