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God WANTS to give us eternal life in heaven. You NEVER have to earn it.

Jesus promised that ANY who call upon Him in prayer, asking to be saved from the condemnation that sin placed on all of us, asking Him to forgive our sins, shall be saved! Not maybe...but with certainty....a given promise from God, and God never breaks a promise. That's because God cannot sin, He is perfect, and cannot lie. He's the only one we can count on to keep His promise.

I have prepared for my journey into eternity. Jesus said that we all must do this, and He turns none away. My reservation is set in Heaven. Not because of anything I have done, as I have sin like everyone else....but because I followed God's Plan of Salvation. It is GOD that keeps us saved, not ourselves, lest anyone should boast that they contributed in part, to their own salvation! Cannot be done! Grace means UN-EARNED favor from God.

Ephesians 2:8-9 - "For it is by grace you have been saved, through faith—and this is NOT from yourselves, it is the gift of God— NOT by works, so that no one can boast."

You cannot earn a free gift! Salvation is a free gift for those who ask and want it.

Nowhere in God's Word, does it say we have to earn God's favor in order for Him to want to save us. Rather, it says God already loves us with all his heart and mind, and accepts us just as we are. John 3:16-17

I think the hardest thing for people to understand, is that we are not saved by our own efforts, but by believing and standing on the promises of God to save us, and He always keeps His word.

John 3:16 states that God's love and forgiveness, saves us for eternity, and that's exactly what it means. Everlasting life, starts the second we accept Jesus as our personal Savior.

It is a devil's lie, that Jesus wants to send ANYONE to hell!

John 3:17-18KJV
"For God sent NOT, his Son into the world to condemn the world; but that the world THROUGH HIM, might be SAVED. He that believeth on Him is NOT CONDEMNED: but he that believeth not, is condemned ALREADY, because he hath not believed in the Son of God."

When that verse says "condemned already", that means if we do NOTHING about the condition of sin our lives, and do nothing to ensure that we shall live in heaven forever, it is our SINS....NOT JESUS...that shall surely keep us condemned and separated from Christ, forever! That's what sin does to us. We must let Jesus forgive our sins, and obliterate them from our soul. If we ignore our own souls and leave them to chance, refusing to allow Jesus to do what He CAME to do (save us), then WE have condemned our souls to hell.

Have you prepared your soul for eternity? If not, Jesus said you can do that right now. This is something he does not want us to put off. He's only a prayer away and He's waiting to hear from you.

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Adstar · 56-60, M
Amen.. Good post LadyGrace,,

It is so sad that so many people are drawn into the lie of works salvation doctrine in it's many different forms in many religions and denominations.. This is the way people think is right but it is the way that leads to death..

(Proverbs 14:12) "There is a way which seemeth right unto a man, but the end thereof are the ways of death."
@Adstar AMEN, BROTHER!!! Thank you! 🤗❤