As promised, Bible Study Part 1 - Hell: What is its purpose and does God send people there? Are you sure of your answer? You may be surprised!
God is no liar. We can either believe and receive God's blessings, or doubt, and do without. There's no in between or middle ground. God is not the author of confusion. Satan is. And I would like to stick to this subject. We can discuss whether we believe the Bible is the true Word of God or not, at another time. That is not the issue at hand right now, so please respect that and try to stick to this subject. Those who are not interested, please be respectful and simply move on. Be advised, that any attempt to sabotage this Bible study, your hateful remarks shall be immediately deleted.
With that, I would like to discuss that the Bible says hell is real, though some are teaching that it is not, and that no one will go there. Let's examine that from God's perspective, in His Word.
Everything works so differently in the spiritual world. God's grace is beyond anything we could ever imagine, because when God forgives, he forgets, and the grace he saved me with, continues from the time I repented and asked the Lord to save me, until I go home to be with Him. His Word tells me so.
God is no liar. He promised to send the Holy Spirit to live in me and guide me, the second I repented and asked Jesus to forgive me of my sins. Just as he will any, who invite him into their lives as Lord and Savior.
When God saved me, it was not till then, that the Holy Spirit came to dwell in me, as God's Word promises. The moment His holy Spirit touched my dead spirit, it brought mine alive and transformed my entire life for the better. When the Holy Spirit touches our spirit , it can't help but make us whole again, and brings us back into fellowship with God the Father.
I had realized I was a sinner, that needed my sins forgiven. The Holy Spirit helped me realize that. I still recognize my sins today and try to improve each day. I will still sin, while I'm in this body, but I do love the Lord, and what I can do, is strive to be a better person everyday. I can inspect my life, and with willingness to look at my sins, I can then be genuine and work on myself, so I don't keep making the same mistakes.
If I love the Lord, I will not want to sin! I don't need to live beyond what is genuine and I have absolutely no desire to do less. I accept the responsibility of my sins. I know God well enough to know that he loves me in spite of my sins, and he's not out to beat me over the head, every time I make a mistake. I also know I can pick myself up, brush myself off, and still love myself, because I have told myself the truth and the truth always sets one free. What's sad, is when we refuse to acknowledge our sins or apologize. I am not too proud nor above acknowledging and admitting my mistakes, when I'm wrong. The best thing yet is that I can improve every day, praise God!
That's exactly why God gave us a conscience. That's how we know, amongst other ways, that God is real. He gave us our conscience, so that we could know and experience our Creator! Another reason, is so we could have fellowship with Him through our Spirit, which LONGS for fellowship with it's Maker, and that's why we feel guilty, when we do wrong things. Our conscience hurts. Especially if Jesus is our Savior, as the Holy Spirit which was placed in us, hurts his Spirit which dwells in us, as it wants to do good, yet our sinful nature for the time being, sometimes wants to give in, then caves to the temptation and LURE of sin.
Satan has had thousands of years to perfect his craft of deceiving and making sin look beautiful, innocent, and "not so bad". He doesn't want you to realize the consequences of sin. He plays it down, as if it means nothing, no big deal, so you'll glaze over it. In the spiritual sense, God doesn't look at sin the way we do. We are the ones that categorize sin. God does not. Would God really send us to hell? Are you sure of your answer? The answer may surprise you, if you've not read God's Word. Tomorrow in Part 2, we'll examine God's Word, for the purpose of hell. I hope you won't miss it, because there is much to discover. This was more of an "introductory" post, which I felt necessary, if we're going to understand why God takes sin so seriously, and the purpose of hell. It's not what you think!
With that, I would like to discuss that the Bible says hell is real, though some are teaching that it is not, and that no one will go there. Let's examine that from God's perspective, in His Word.
Everything works so differently in the spiritual world. God's grace is beyond anything we could ever imagine, because when God forgives, he forgets, and the grace he saved me with, continues from the time I repented and asked the Lord to save me, until I go home to be with Him. His Word tells me so.
God is no liar. He promised to send the Holy Spirit to live in me and guide me, the second I repented and asked Jesus to forgive me of my sins. Just as he will any, who invite him into their lives as Lord and Savior.
When God saved me, it was not till then, that the Holy Spirit came to dwell in me, as God's Word promises. The moment His holy Spirit touched my dead spirit, it brought mine alive and transformed my entire life for the better. When the Holy Spirit touches our spirit , it can't help but make us whole again, and brings us back into fellowship with God the Father.
I had realized I was a sinner, that needed my sins forgiven. The Holy Spirit helped me realize that. I still recognize my sins today and try to improve each day. I will still sin, while I'm in this body, but I do love the Lord, and what I can do, is strive to be a better person everyday. I can inspect my life, and with willingness to look at my sins, I can then be genuine and work on myself, so I don't keep making the same mistakes.
If I love the Lord, I will not want to sin! I don't need to live beyond what is genuine and I have absolutely no desire to do less. I accept the responsibility of my sins. I know God well enough to know that he loves me in spite of my sins, and he's not out to beat me over the head, every time I make a mistake. I also know I can pick myself up, brush myself off, and still love myself, because I have told myself the truth and the truth always sets one free. What's sad, is when we refuse to acknowledge our sins or apologize. I am not too proud nor above acknowledging and admitting my mistakes, when I'm wrong. The best thing yet is that I can improve every day, praise God!
That's exactly why God gave us a conscience. That's how we know, amongst other ways, that God is real. He gave us our conscience, so that we could know and experience our Creator! Another reason, is so we could have fellowship with Him through our Spirit, which LONGS for fellowship with it's Maker, and that's why we feel guilty, when we do wrong things. Our conscience hurts. Especially if Jesus is our Savior, as the Holy Spirit which was placed in us, hurts his Spirit which dwells in us, as it wants to do good, yet our sinful nature for the time being, sometimes wants to give in, then caves to the temptation and LURE of sin.
Satan has had thousands of years to perfect his craft of deceiving and making sin look beautiful, innocent, and "not so bad". He doesn't want you to realize the consequences of sin. He plays it down, as if it means nothing, no big deal, so you'll glaze over it. In the spiritual sense, God doesn't look at sin the way we do. We are the ones that categorize sin. God does not. Would God really send us to hell? Are you sure of your answer? The answer may surprise you, if you've not read God's Word. Tomorrow in Part 2, we'll examine God's Word, for the purpose of hell. I hope you won't miss it, because there is much to discover. This was more of an "introductory" post, which I felt necessary, if we're going to understand why God takes sin so seriously, and the purpose of hell. It's not what you think!