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What would God say about all this?

Do you honestly think there is any hope for all of us? Everyone fighting, name calling, wars in the Name of God. Do you think we will ever get along, ever?
LesDawsonsPiano · 70-79New
There is always hope. Not really into "God" as "Him up there" looking down upon the turmoil and having thoughts about it. In Christian terms, I have a more "incarnational" way of understanding/living things - the Incarnation not so much a one-off event in the past, but an eternal ever present incarnation, "he" as us, and us as "him". Non-dual.

As a Pure Land Buddhist, I think no one has expressed it better than Hiroyuki Itsuki, in his book "Tariki: Embracing Despair, Discovering Peace"

Partly autobiographical, from reading it you know that his words are not born of an easy life. The man knew what it was to suffer, from a very early age. Early on a refugee, later waking up in situations where you hoped the one next to you had died so that you could have their clothes, or any other possessions. He wrote once that he had learnt more from his father's sigh than from all the books on philosophy he had read.

Anyway, a passage from the book:--

The Other Power (Tariki) derives from the true and full acceptance of the reality that is within us and surrounds us. It is not a philosophy of passivity or iresponsibility, but one of radical spiritual activity, of personal, existential revolution. Its essence is the spontaneous wondrous force that gives us the will to act, to "do what man can do and then wait for heaven's will." Importantly, Other Power is a power that flows from the fundamental realization that, in the lives we live, we are already enlightened. This enlightenment does not come easily. It is born of the unwelcome understanding that, despite our protestations, we are insignificant, imperfect beings, born to a hell of suffering that defines human existence. But in this hell, we sometimes excounter small joys, friendship, the kind acts of strangers, and the miracle of love. We experience moments when we are filled with courage, when the world sparkles with hopes and dreams. There are even times when we are deeply grateful to have been born. These moments are paradise. But paradise is not another realm; it is here, in the very midst of the hell of this world. Other Power, a power that transcends theological distinctions, avails us of these moments. In the endless uncertainties of contemporary life, Other Power confers upon us a flexibility of spirit, an energy to feel joy, and the respite of peace.

I often reread Itsuki's words, never actually finding them "inspirational" in the usual sense, but "true" for me, in my own on-going life, with all my mental health issues, in my own suffering.
helenS · 36-40, F
It's never been any different. Does anyone really think people were more polite, and less aggressive, during the epoch of the ancient Roman Republic? Muahahaha...

What would God say? Well I think he created us the way we are, so he shouldn't be too surprised.
helenS · 36-40, F
@SSDecontrol Yes it was "Caligula" (1979, I think). I watched it together with some friends and it was incredible.
SSDecontrol · 56-60, M
@helenS there should have been scratch n' sniff cards. Put it in smellorama!
caesar7 · 61-69, M
@helenS Never would have thought that Malcolm McDowell and Peter O'Toole would star in a Penthouse movie. It was really hardcore!! I bought the DVD afterwards...😆
TheShanachie · 61-69, M
Perhaps if we stop holding ourselves back by focusing on an outdated book.
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There's no hope. Better to just enjoy.
No. That is not the purpose of Planet Insanity. "Individual" entities develop the spiritual muscles needed to graduate from earth school. They don't need to come back. It is just a learning opportunity here.
sree251 · 41-45, M
@FlowersNButterflies Who do we learn from? How do we find out from insane people the way to develop spiritual muscles?
Magenta · F
There is nothing new under the sun , since the beginning of man and time.
God repented that he made man (aka humans), and it grieved him at his heart. Yikes, that says it all.
helenS · 36-40, F
@Magenta If God repented something He did then
(a) He made an error so He isn't perfect;
(b) He isn't omniscient.
God doesn't seem to care about what happens on earth or to humans.
sree251 · 41-45, M
What do you mean by we? If we are human beings living on Planet Earth, then we go on fighting and name calling. There is a need to find out the truth about life.
Sevendays · M
@sree251 your truth or THE truth? How would anyone ever know what the truth is?
sree251 · 41-45, M
your truth or THE truth? How would anyone ever know what the truth is?

My truth is THE only truth because there is only me that exist. Do you understand what I mean? I don't think so because you are living in an illusion, an untruth that portrays you as a human being among many: 8 billions in a world in which you exist.

See the truth of what you really are, and that truth will set you free of fighting, name-calling, and wars.
Sevendays · M
@sree251 you're the only one in existence?
BuzzedLightyear · 61-69
it's not like it's new
ChipmunkErnie · 70-79, M
We can hope, but human history is pretty much a history of tribalism and aggression, god or no god. Though gods do give people a reason to attack other people.
MoveAlong · 70-79, M
Oh course there's no hope. God has already said he's going to burn it all down. If you believe that sort of thing.
hunkalove · 61-69, M
Your "God" doesn't seem to care.
sree251 · 41-45, M
@hunkalove Seems that way but do you care?
Lilymoon · F
Nope 🤷‍♀
Sevendays · M
@Lilymoon it is sad.
Lilymoon · F
@Sevendays it really is
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Sevendays · M
@jshm2 you don't think any wars have been saved due to differences in religion?

I'm not stirring anything, just asking a question. Do you need a Snickers bar this morning?

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