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People! I do not understand them sometimes at all.

I like to post funnies, or about things I have done or been through or still do and love doing. I have posted political funny memes and replied with faith in words of support to others here.

But I just had a religious RIGHT winger poster blow up one of my posts and I deleted the sermon that was delivered that I did not ask for feeling it was judgmental. She took offense and I refuse to argue on a post or to leave overly preachy replies on my post I make. So, I deleted the sermon and the badgering started so I removed her from my friends list, and she blocked me sending me a betrayal message.

Whatever just know I will not get into political debates you believe and vote the way your heart leads you and leave the world alone to do as they wish too without your condemnation, and you have my respect.
As well as deeply over religious posts/postings I may heart them, but it does not mean I want a sermon preached upon what I post or that I am some sort of right-wing Christian type. Again, you have your faith and I have mine, leave me alone without dunking and trying to save me please.
Primnproper · 56-60, F
Like you I respect peoples faith but unless I ask for it I don’t want it rammed down my throat. I got blocked the other day by one and it couldn’t come soon enough for me.
WillaKissing · 56-60
@Primnproper Yes, exactly and honestly, I feel the same about the person who blocked me as well.
Primnproper · 56-60, F
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WillaKissing · 56-60
@geoam1 I agree with you. I know my posts can test some people's taste and I am not always right in my replies or posts, but I do not have any agendas to push or crosses to burn.
I've experienced exactly the same thing. There's no accounting for where people are with themselves and how they're going to react. Sometimes I wonder if it's worth posting, at all. But, I still do it occasionally, especially when I think the post will be fun or uplifting. With some people, it's inevitable it will backfire, and I'll get a distasteful comment or an invitation to argue with someone. I'm learning to ignore those replies, and to stay out of that part of the jungle of social media.
WillaKissing · 56-60
@PhoenixPhail Amen, and me too.
Magenta · F
I deleted the sermon
Ha, that just struck me as funny. But I totally get it. I had one preaching on one of my posts about mountain biking safety etc., and I'm almost certain they have never even sat on one.

WillaKissing · 56-60
@Magenta When I said preaching a sermon, I meant it with that post. Her first response to my post was a full page about how she found Christ and so on and so forth, it was a serious sermon.

I have my own personal deep seeded Christian views and values, but I have never, and I will never preach a Christian sermon to anyone here especially upon their posts about how I found Christ.
Magenta · F
@WillaKissing I know, I understood that and who does it.
I respect that you don't and neither will I.
NinaTina · 26-30, F
Did you ever block someone and the system autoblocks another person in your friends list
WillaKissing · 56-60
@NinaTina No not yet anyways.

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