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Why do right-wing Christian Zionists insist that if I dislike the ethnic cleansing of Palestinians, I must hate the Jews?

Honestly, I do not understand humans.
666Maggotz · F
I had a user call me an anti-Semite, so I told him I was raised Jewish. He called me a race traitor 💀
Crazywaterspring · 61-69, M
They rely on people not understanding the differences between antisemitism and zionism. Being against Israël (zionism is being in favor of a Jewish country) isn't being anti Jewish (antisemitism).
pdxlinux · 41-45, M
because the other side plays dishonest games like that too.
@pdxlinux Example?
@BohemianBabe Fascinating. You asked this question 23 hours ago, and @pdxlinux has failed to answer.
bookerdana · M
Theres battle lines being drawn,nobodys right if everybody's wrong......You have to choose which evil you deplore
Because we don't have a left. Because we've let them get away with that.
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