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How we understand Reality will inevitably soak down into us, affected our actions and our understanding of ourselves, then into our relationship with others.
Therefore, a Faith and trust that Reality is purely the Good, is ultimate Compassion, ultimate Wisdom, ultimate Potentiality will put us on the right path.
And the journey is home.
Therefore, a Faith and trust that Reality is purely the Good, is ultimate Compassion, ultimate Wisdom, ultimate Potentiality will put us on the right path.
And the journey is home.
Yes totally. And how you react to other people's beliefs about the world determines who you are. People treat their opinion as if it's a fact most of the time.. defending ideals that aren't even theirs to begin with.
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@jshm2 quite true
DeluxedEdition · 26-30, F
Yes, the way you perceive the world says a lot about you
WillaKissing · 56-60, M
Absolutely incorrect.