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Other dimensions?

Does anyone believe that a person can accidentally get trapped between two dimensions, experiencing both, but with many pitfalls? I think this may have happened to me on several occasions and cannot prove any of it. Are there any believers out there?
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there is a certain lake i hike where very weird things happen. it is an oval shaped lake about 3 miles around and i will see someone coming my way and then like ten minutes later i will see them again. im like, thats not possible. it happens all the time. must be some worm hole into a portal. it never happens at other places that i hike, only that one lake.
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LordShadowfire · 46-50, MVIP
@horrorfictionwriter I'm thinking you must have. You've got her information, which she herself gave you, and a photograph of her, which means you most likely didn't hallucinate her. The only other possibility is that you've dimension hopped.
@horrorfictionwriter Fascinating..
@SW-User I know.
No. It's not possible for us to exist in any dimensions other than those we're already in, which are time and space.
Other dimensions are theoretical and abstract concepts only.
The singular dimension is a point so small it can't actually exist except as a mathematical coordinate. Likewise with two dimensions.
When we measure things, we mark them on an object; both the mark and the object exist in time and space because they have width, height, breadth and duration. For instance, a ruler is a physical object which has a beginning and and end to its existence.
@hartfire try to just relax and open your mind to other possibilities maybe. Physics is pretty much existent withe need for probabilities, not facts.
@horrorfictionwriter ig part of physics is theorising possibilities and, based on evidence, probabilities.
I can acknowledge that the advanced mathematical theorems can guess at ways in which other dimensions might exist - but, as yet, there is no way to construct an experiment that could prove it. Perhaps one day the means might be invented, if this round of evolution manages to survive climate change.

But if you think about it carefully, according to the evidence discovered by physicists and astronomers, space and time begin, end and depend on the existence of matter.
Without matter, time and space cannot exist. They are inseparable. We are made of matter.
Therefore we can only exist in time and space.
Explain what happened to you..
Confined · 56-60, M
Any thing is possible.
Alison · 18-21, F
LordShadowfire · 46-50, MVIP
Yeah, probably. I woke up in the wrong universe once, although like you, I can't prove it.

I woke up and what was clearly a woman's canopy bed, complete with bedcurtains. Looking outside the bedcurtains, the room was beautiful you decorated in various shades of pink. Now, you'd think I'd be curious as to how I got there, right? Nope. I literally said, "Oh, shit, I'm in the wrong dimension," and I went back to sleep.
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