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Romany beliefs

So I think I have finally found my path. I love the Romany gypsy way of mixing Christianity with older beliefs and customs. This sits right and feels good to me. I have faith in God but I also feel a connection to Mother Earth, the Goddess (Gaia) and also mother Mary. So I will be addressing both God and Goddess in my spiritual practice. This is not to say that I am putting anyone above God I am just honouring the Goddess too. This is not something new either. It was very common at the begginings of Christianity. My own ancestors one was a Christian and also the village healer. Which to me states that whilst attending church she was also likely to have been a witch. There are no relatives to confirm this as my Nan is now in a nursing home with advanced dementia, it's just my guess. At any rate alot of what my Mother remembers points to our Romany heritage. My great Nan was very superstitious and I just wish I could have learn't from her. It's a shame my Mum wasn't more interested in her heritage before she passed. So now I am picking up snippets from Mum about a Nan who was a medium who held seances and other such things she does remember. I will continue to read books on the Romanies to see what else I can learn.
hippyjoe1955 · 61-69, M
I take no joy in saying "you are going the wrong way" As Jesus said "Enter by the narrow gate. For the gate is wide and the way is easy that leads to destruction, and those who enter by it are many. For the gate is narrow and the way is hard that leads to life, and those who find it are few."
RubiesandButterflies · 51-55, F
@hippyjoe1955 whatever 🙄
hippyjoe1955 · 61-69, M
@RubiesandButterflies I do hope you have a blessed life and all the goodness of God falls upon you.
RubiesandButterflies · 51-55, F
@hippyjoe1955 thankyou and you
I'm sure someone will come in and say you will burn in hell you know like Jesus would. ;-)
RubiesandButterflies · 51-55, F
@Spunkylama Yes which is counter productive because that will just make me more determined to do it my way That's the problem with Christians they can't stand for anyone to disagree. They only know how to try to brainwash others to see things their way. Whilst spouting bible verses it's pathetic! and I've had enough of that.

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