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Beauty within imperfections

"Wabi-Sabi" is the Japanese art of finding beauty within imperfection, impermanence, and the unrefined and simple things in life. Accepting the natural cycle. Celebrating the cracks and all other marks that time, weather and love leave behind.

My eyes are always drawn to the interesting. We can miss out on so much beauty all around, only looking for the perfect blooming roses and moments. And not just in nature, but humans also... Maybe even more so!

Death lies beside life..

Germination finds a way. (Even when it's blurry.) ;-) vvv That's the actual trail.

Freeranger · M
You nail it woman....as a hunter, I walk the deep woods and, while hunting is an objective, my trek is always so much broader than that. When I was a young man, it was totally about filling my tag. As I've grown older and hopefully, wiser, I have found that coming across old growth trees, and such things as old neglected apple orchards and such.....the beauty of nature is like a full voluptuous woman who has begun unbuttoning her blouse to me.
I have spent so many hours and days, sitting in the deep woods, detailing simple natural discoveries in my mind. That has become part of the balm for me.
Almost like being surprised by a river nymph.....an epiphany and an experience that you seem to keep to yourself because, your discovery is beyond a description, they're like dirty little secrets we prefer to keep to ourselves, and reflect upon next to a wood fire and hot coffee.
Your illustrations are perfect in describing the beauty of natural lines.
[image/video deleted]
Magenta · F
@Freeranger 😍 I adore this! You have such a unique way with word expression.

And yes..
an epiphany and an experience that you seem to keep to yourself because, your discovery is beyond a description,
It is beyond words, but you feel it in your core. Thank you for sharing this.
Harmonium1923 · 51-55, M
Beautiful post—and not just the photos. I have always been fascinated by plants growing out of rocks. And how water wears down rock, with nothing but motion and time. Cliffs become pebbles become sand, and on and on we go.
Magenta · F
@Harmonium1923 Thank you. Isn't it fascinating. Off the beaten path reveals treasures.
Dino11 · M
It takes a person with an abundance of love in their soul,
to recognize the beauty in a 'wabi-sabi'. ❤️
Magenta · F
@Dino11 Aaw. Always appreciate you. 💟
kodiac · 22-25, M
The spirit tree.
Magenta · F
@kodiac What a superb find!
kodiac · 22-25, M
@Magenta I went back today to see if it's still standing ,thankfully it is
Magenta · F
@kodiac Fantastic! It almost looks like a little birdy sitting down where the nose is, especially in the top photo.
CCMorgan · 51-55, M
This is a wonderful post! I love the lesson and the images ☺️

I'll have to see if I have any worthy photos to share here.
CCMorgan · 51-55, M
@Magenta The post and the message you showed us is what makes this post unique and so "you"... which is what draws everybody in, I'm sure. And these photos are just fine... true to your point that the beauty can be found anywhere. 💜
Magenta · F
@CCMorgan Wow. That's fantastic and I can understand it being moving to you. I felt it a bit myself, aw poignant. Oh my, how many years it has stood. 😌

Oooh that talent and love of poetry runs deep in the blood then. ;-)
Magenta · F
@CCMorgan Thank you truly.
antonioioio · 70-79, M
A fantastic post 🌹
Virgo79 · 61-69, M
Perfect imprefections.
bookerdana · M
The pictures sync so well with the words,beautiful..not sure what the bottom one is,though
Magenta · F
@bookerdana Thanks much.
It's the side of a building with rough cut siding. That's the saw marks on it.
bookerdana · M
@Magenta thanks ,I thought it might be some sort of tree rot
Magenta · F
@bookerdana My pleasure. I think it may be pitch in the wood.
Pfuzylogic · M
and as i age i find my perception of imperfections evolving. what seemed short of beauty before i don’t even notice now.
Magenta · F
@Pfuzylogic Me also! One of the pros to aging. Developing an appreciation.
antonioioio · 70-79, M
If you checked out that dead tree, it's unbelievable the life it gives to small creatures
Magenta · F
@antonioioio Thank you. 😌
Indeed, it still serves a purpose as many others do.
A prime example of why I love SW, these are stunning photo's. Thank you.
Magenta · F
@Grateful4you Aw appreciated. 😊
bowman81 · M
You have a good eye and the voice to share it with others. Thank you.
Magenta · F
@bowman81 No, thank YOU. 😊
Dino11 · M
Can I post my picture, lots of imperfections?...😆
Magenta · F
@Dino11 Yes!
erosme · 46-50, M
Great pictures and wise words dear lady!
Magenta · F
@erosme Merci mon ami.
Lostpoet · M
Love those pics and the idea behind them
Magenta · F
@Lostpoet Danke, Mr. poet. Glad you enjoyed.
DeluxedEdition · 26-30, F
I love this so much
Magenta · F
@DeluxedEdition Aw I'm glad.
Docdon23 · M
fascinating!!! Thank you.
Magenta · F
@Docdon23 My pleasure.
Wow. Loved this post.
Magenta · F
@SW-User Aw, yay! I'm glad. 💐
samueltyler2 · 80-89, M
Super images
Magenta · F
@samueltyler2 Gracie!
samueltyler2 · 80-89, M
@Magenta de nada
Beauty can be found in the most unexpected things .

But one has to live the moments to see it.
Magenta · F
@OogieBoogie So much so. We have to be connected and aware, receptive to it. 💕
Magenta · F
@SW-User Glad you enjoyed.
antonioioio · 70-79, M
A windy morning at work
iamonfire696 · 41-45, F
I love this. I wish more people saw the beauty in imperfections.
Magenta · F
@iamonfire696 Thank you. Ditto. We should ban the word "perfect". 💟

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