She was cute back in the day.
When it comes to bodies there are those that are simply "gods among men" but most people aren't. Most people are average even though some of us like to think we're 10s, we're most likely average at best. I don't know who the it girl is today but I remember when Pamela Anderson was the dream for all young boys but who's talking that way about her today? Brad Pitt? Who's lusting after him today? It's Henry Cavills time now.
So forget the tits no one cares about that crap really. Big tits droop over time and then no one cares but the one that loved you for more than that. Small breast are never going to get the love that big ones get, that's life. The have nots have to live among the those that have it all and make do.
So if your body isn't going to be the thing that earns you praise among people, your personality will have to do it and that's ok. If your confidence wasn't nurtured from a young age, well you have a big battle on your hands. You may never be wholly confident ever but you can make great progress and the rest you might have to rely on the people around you and your lover, who ought to appreciate every bit of you, scars and all.