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please i wanna weigh less

And… the fact that suppressing your emotions makes you have escape behaviours is just… awful cause, the escape behaviour that influences me is that I eat excessively… and I don't like it… cause, I´m just trying to make a fast, to a weightless but… is hard if I keep binge eating, I´m not going to weigh less if I keep eating like this
I'm not gonna reach 30 kg (66.1387 lbs) cause I'm useless and can't even throw up
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CountScrofula · 41-45, M
You know, rationally, that's an insanely unhealthy weight. You also know that anorexia means that you will -never- be happy with how you look.

There's no "I get this thin and I'm happy" you just get worse. Please take care of yourself and get some help because the goal should be to be happy above all else.
CountScrofula · 41-45, M
@zoevent Your target weight is -sixty pounds- so I sincerely hope you're like 4'6.
zoevent · 16-17, F
5.01969 feet
60.2362 inches
CountScrofula · 41-45, M
@zoevent You have an illness where no matter what your body looks like, you will want to change it and this could everything from hair loss to death. You need to treat the mental part of this so that you can have a healthy approach to your body and food. <3
Binge eating can definitely wreck the mind and body in just about every way imaginable....but it's not impossible to fight it. Perhaps try facing it in small steps. Maybe 66 lbs is a bit unreasonable (I'm making the assumption you're not a pixie-like being).
You might reach close at the hospital when you end up there sick af
oogirl · 13-15, F
A lot of people feel like they are too fat but they are not really and they can make themself sick if they are not careful 66 pounds isn'r very much maybe you are expecting too much out of yourself being thin?
Talk a walk instead of stuffing yourself
Why do you want to reach a weight which is clearly going to be unhealthy?
zoevent · 16-17, F
@SW-User i dont care about health, i only want to be skinny

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