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They Kneeled... [I Am a Ny Yankees Fan]

I'm 63 years old and have been a fan since February 1964. Attended countless games (lucky me) and watched faithfully for decades.

I live in the United States only because someone fought to get here from Eastern Europe, worked hard and again, lucky me, this is my home.

They kneeled...I can't support that behavior from men playing a child's game, making millions of dollars and crying injustice. They are in a uniform, the same uniform that men went to serve the country in war, defending our Nation and it's beliefs and then came home to play that same game.

I want to support the cause. It has value and deserves support but not during my country's anthem. Too many have died defending my flag, my anthem.

Garbage, my caps, my tees, my jacket...I'm done and I'm sad.
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Carla · 61-69, F
I'm also a fan. I served my country to help in the continuance of our freedoms. One being the freedom of speech and expression.
The national anthem should be played when patriotism needs expressed. That does not include sporting events.
A large percentage of the players aren't even American.
if you become a non fan because of players showing support for a long past due movement, you were not much of a fan anyway.
Baseball has zero to do with the national anthem. Kneeling has nothing to do with a players fidelity to our country.
@Carla this
I don’t understand your point. A veteran who also served suggested kneeling rather than merely sitting during the anthem of a country that still does not fulfill its promise of equality. If it’s not something that affects you personally you couldn’t possibly understand. And if you don’t even support the Constitutional Amendment that allows people to quietly, non-violently disagree, what exactly do you think those veterans were fighting for ? I’m proud of those kneeling, and much prefer it to people rioting and fighting. I’m assuming you’d rather we remain silent, but things must change. Personally I’d rather it happen peacefully so our white supremacist president has no excuse to murder us in the name of “law and order”.
Incidentally, those athletes also worked hard for their millions of dollars and they kneel for the millions of black men and women who haven’t had that opportunity.
Carla · 61-69, F
@bijouxbroussard the faux outrage is nauseating.
How do you know it doesn't affect me personally? Are you assuming because I wrote this story, that I am white? Not quite sure where you get off lecturing me about my opinion. You are welcome to state your opinion, but don't dare judge me because it differs from yours. Get out and be the change. P.S. plenty of non black men and women haven't had an opportunity either, nor a God given talent to pursue a sport's career. Thanks for your input is appreciated.
How do you know it doesn't affect me personally? Are you assuming because I wrote this story, that I am white?

The fact that you’re around my age and don’t understand. I was a child during the last days of legal segregation. Most folks I’ve encountered who share certain experiences have an understanding and appreciation of what people are trying to do now. Plus, you began with,

I live in the United States only because someone fought to get here from Eastern Europe, worked hard and again, lucky me, this is my home.

which indicates that unless you were the child of a Black GI and European war bride, your journey was different from the people you were judging.

Get out and be the change

Now, that’s you assuming. I’ve spent most of life trying to do just that. If not for Covid and my arthritis I’d be out there taking a “knee” with the best of them.

P.S. plenty of non black men and women haven't had an opportunity either, nor a God given talent to pursue a sport's career.

P.S.S. That’s true, but for some reason I’ve never been able to understand, when a black person can do something well, and make money at it, some people both resent it and dismiss it as “natural ability”, ignoring the fact that the person most likely worked very, very hard to develop and maintain that skill. Moreover, in terms of sports abilities specifically, their opinion is often that the person doesn’t really deserve the benefits from their skill, even though they make those team owners even richer—and the latter rakes in the money without having to worry about risking serious injuries, or being discarded after they age.

Incidentally, I’m not one of these kids here. I’m an older adult, like you. So if you’re used to deferential treatment, I can’t help you. 👩🏽‍🦳
BananaBrown · 41-45, F
Everyone is entitled to their opinion.
Personally, I believe a person can both love their country and kneel in protest of its longstanding record of racism and turning a blind eye to injustice and inequality.
Just for the record, I’m a veteran, I love my country, and I 100% support kneeling for this cause.
DragonFruit · 61-69, M
@BananaBrown I'm also a veteran, and I believe in the right to peaceful protest. It was a veteran who suggested kneeling rather than sitting in order to show that it was not disrespectful. I also believe in the cause and would join if I was on the sidelines.
Miram · 31-35, F
I have no idea why you guys choose to be offended by this, nor do I care to find out. Symbols are not more important than human lives themselves and never will be. People didn't die for symbols, they died for other people. And the country is nothing without its people.
Thecollective · 100+
They get paid millions yes and they are in the public eye perfect place to show that you support others going through injustice. It's fine for you to be offended and upset by them doing that just as it's fine for them to do that. Isn't America a free country it's not like they burnt a flag or swore through the national anthem.
4meAndyou · F
It is disrespect. And it is intentional. I have never been a fan, but I can imagine your pain.
I gave up what marginal interest I had in major league baseball years ago when they went on strike. The current virtue signaling and politicizing has nothing to do with the game and shouldn’t. But it has everything to do with the almighty dollar. And that’s all these teams really care about. So they’ll do what their corporate masters tell them to. I have noticed that many players have a lax regard for wearing masks. My bet is they’ll be coming down with the Coronavirus soon and season over. Will this spell the end of major league sports? Oh of course not. I am sure the Chinese will happily buy them out. And real fans like you? I’m sorry to say they don’t care about you and have not for a long time now.
Human behaviour its truly fascinating
basilfawlty89 · 36-40, M
Why shouldn't they kneel? They have a right to free speech, they have the right to protest. America isn't a dictatorship yet. They are protesting the murder of African Americans by police brutality.

What you're saying is you won't watch a game because some people who play it care about black people.

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