Would love to have one that could do all the things that I don't want to do, but need to get done.
RadioDust · 36-40, M
They will be nail on the coffin of humanity
valobasa4ever · F
I wish i have companion like EVE of animated feature film, WALL-E. 😌
BananaBrown · 41-45, F
I’m not saying anything negative about robots, on the record👀
DearAmbellina2113 · 41-45, F
I think they will be a great help to the human race.
assemblingaknob · 31-35, F
I like then.
HairbrushDiva · 31-35, F
I don't want them to replace the human race.
english · 56-60, M
its the idiots in charge of these AIs you have to worry about, since the 1950s they have working on AIs with one purpose in mind to map the human brain.so they can control we are a sorry race im sure a disgrace in the universe.