i think i might like him
so, i'm a guy, and i think I like another guy (i've known i was gay for a while, but i am also aroace) In math class today (we sit next to each other) i was resting my head on my desk bc i was super tired from a long, theatre filled weekend, and he started playing with my hair. I, being the person who freezes up when people touch me, froze up bc i though he or someone else had bumped me. but i felt it again and realized it was him. i relaxed when i realized it was him bc he's one of the few people who idrc if they touch me. he dosn't touch me often, but when he does i feel that tingling sensation when someone you like hugs/touches you. i kept my head down for the entirety of class bc i didn't want him to stop playing with my hair. it was nice and kinda sad bc i know he doesn't like me they same way i like him.