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Muslim Man Defends Himself Against Furry During Anthrocon With Sword

The Furry was reported by a witness trying to inappropriately and quite publically cuddle this proud and undoubtedly pious Muslim man, and he was forced to use a sword against her, crying out while swinging "Allah does not approve!". I agree, Allah most certainly would not, as a Furry inherently goes against the natural order.

I think it's time Pittsburgh bans Anthrocon so this sort of thing doesn't happen again. It's taking a toll on too many people's lives, stressing us all out, forcing us to detour and cross streets when we see a Furry walking up ahead. I thought as a society we were beyond inappropriate sexual touching, not to mention the harrassment of religious and ethnic minorities. Shame on you!
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DarkXtecy · 41-45, M
The way yall just belive everything that shows up on internet at face value.
There may be some truth in this but there is no way everything that's worded is true.
This type of incidents are a chance for media to strike up frustration and anger amongst certain groups.
The wording on the title makes no sense at all, like did his person even pass his english?
A journalist or even a blogger should have decent form of a writing format.
SunshineGirl · 36-40, F
(1) Why was he "visiting" a private event that he so clearly disapproved of?
(2) Why was he openly carrying a sword?

I really hope I am put on the jury.
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@NeighFlowers I hope you pick Moscow. Putin needs tourist money.
MethDozer · M
They both sound like weirdos

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