Muslim Man Defends Himself Against Furry During Anthrocon With Sword
The Furry was reported by a witness trying to inappropriately and quite publically cuddle this proud and undoubtedly pious Muslim man, and he was forced to use a sword against her, crying out while swinging "Allah does not approve!". I agree, Allah most certainly would not, as a Furry inherently goes against the natural order.
I think it's time Pittsburgh bans Anthrocon so this sort of thing doesn't happen again. It's taking a toll on too many people's lives, stressing us all out, forcing us to detour and cross streets when we see a Furry walking up ahead. I thought as a society we were beyond inappropriate sexual touching, not to mention the harrassment of religious and ethnic minorities. Shame on you!
The Furry was reported by a witness trying to inappropriately and quite publically cuddle this proud and undoubtedly pious Muslim man, and he was forced to use a sword against her, crying out while swinging "Allah does not approve!". I agree, Allah most certainly would not, as a Furry inherently goes against the natural order.
I think it's time Pittsburgh bans Anthrocon so this sort of thing doesn't happen again. It's taking a toll on too many people's lives, stressing us all out, forcing us to detour and cross streets when we see a Furry walking up ahead. I thought as a society we were beyond inappropriate sexual touching, not to mention the harrassment of religious and ethnic minorities. Shame on you!