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turbineman40 · 80-89, M
@davidstorm nice cover-up over a great body
WalterF · 70-79, M
@davidstorm This is very pretty. White tunics are very sexy. A little sun on that would show th shape of her nipples. And we can already see her knickers. Lovely outfit.
davidstorm · C
@davidstorm this pic has been moved to [i want to see my wife groped by a stranger]
davidstorm · C
iv put the full story up if you want to read it
its a long story but iv put it in=
[ i want to see my wife groped by a stranger]
good read different pick
its not right every one commenting on my wife on another guys story so if you want to read it its there
its a long story but iv put it in=
[ i want to see my wife groped by a stranger]
good read different pick
its not right every one commenting on my wife on another guys story so if you want to read it its there
davidstorm · C
if you go to my profile, and then into my story's its a featured story there
WalterF · 70-79, M
@davidstorm About the guy on the blcony opposite filming her? yes, read it, great story. I have a similar one, which I'll send you later
davidstorm · C
@WalterF ok ill read it ill put the proper story in a post to you as thats not the one im on about
MrLucky1 · 70-79, M
I am sure everyone enjoyed the show!
4185philip · 70-79, M
Lovely. Would love to watch her walking.
Anopenheart · 51-55, M
was there anything else underneath that top?
WalterF · 70-79, M
This is very pretty. White tunics are very sexy. A little sun on that would show th shape of her nipples. And we can already see her knickers. Lovely outfit.
davidstorm · C
@WalterF this was going for a meal about 8pm she changed the pants for a white lace thong before we went out every one int taverna was watching her walk through the place she couldnt under stand why she was being ogled at
turbineman40 · 80-89, M
Like seeing her nipples showing