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Obsessed with women's legs/thighs in short this a fetish? How weird is it? Is it common?

The photo above is a perfect example of what I mean. I'm 22 years old and do consider myself bisexual or pansexual, though in general I tend to prefer women a lot more than men. I'm obsessed with legs/thighs in general, including men's legs, though women's legs are my favorite. I identify as non-binary, agender specifically, though I'm male biologically, so technically I'm "straight" I guess, or I would be. At least mostly straight, since women are by far my favorite in general. If it matters, I tend to prefer feminine presenting women. When I do like men they are usually pretty feminine men with a low amount of body hair, so not super masculine or hairy men, though I still don't know if I could see myself in a relationship with a guy.

But anyways...I just LOOOVE women's legs/thighs in short shorts. Why women's legs more than men's legs though? Well besides me being biologically male and mostly straight, if I were to give an explanation besides sexual orientation, women's legs in general just look a lot squishier and full I guess. Like usually the thigh area is quite noticeably bigger than the knees and below, even if the woman is skinny. So I guess that creates a "curvy" effect.

The other thing though...about leg hair. I tend to prefer shaved/waxed hairless legs. I know that's not how women's legs "naturally" are, but this is just attraction. It doesn't really have to be fair...though I would NEVER force a woman to shave/wax just for me. I just love the way hairless legs look and feel, so smooth and so soft. Hairless legs also tend to have a sort of glow to them, especially if the woman is slightly tanned or has darker skin. And of course men can shave/wax their legs too, but it's by far more commonly done with women. And even then, men's legs still usually won't be as soft and smooth as women's legs when shaved. Though if a woman DOESN'T shave, her legs usually won't be as hairy as a man's legs.

Along with the aforementioned thing about the "squishy and full legs, with the thigh area being quite noticeably bigger than the knees and below even if the woman is skinny, creating a curvy effect" well as the "shaved/waxed hairless legs"...look at the attached photo again. BASICALLY picture perfect definition of what I mean, both of those women. Of course both of those women are skinny with skinny legs, though you can still tell that proportionally compared to their knees and below, their thighs are still noticeably bigger and fuller. They aren't "big" thighs by any means of course, but just compared to their lower legs. And as for leg hair, obviously their legs are shaved 100%. As for squishiness, their legs just look so soft and smooth, and the hairlessness adds to it. If I was the boyfriend of either of those two women I don't think I'd be able to take my hands off their thighs. And they seem to be slightly tanned as well, so a subtle glow to their legs as well.

As for why SHORT SHORTS in specific though...well for beginners I like to see some skin. So I like shorts more than pants or leggings or any sort of leg coverage. As for why SHORT shorts...well I like to see thighs. So knee-length shorts for example would be too long for me. Though I don't like booty shorts either. I like to see thighs but showing butt cheeks is a bit much for me. As for why short shorts over short skirts or short dresses though...I just like the simplicity of a nice pair of shorts. Skirts and dresses seem a bit too fancy and overly feminine, and rather impractical for daily use. While shorts on the other hand just look more neutral, and they look rather sporty and athletic as well.

And yeah...that's about the long and short of the "fetish" itself. Well if it even is a fetish. That's why I made this post. That's what I'm trying to figure out. Also, how weird is it? Is it common? That's what I wanna know too.

In general I know that men liking women's legs/thighs isn't too unusual. I think the general consensus is ass or boobs first and then legs/thighs, or at least it used to be. Though what could make it a "fetish" is my sheer OBSESSION with it and just HOW MUCH I think about it. Especially since there's so many oddly specific things I like about legs/thighs, including this long ass post I made in dedication to legs/thighs. And especially since I like legs/thighs in short shorts specifically.

I live in Orlando Florida in the USA though, a hot and humid climate, so it's not like this fetish is going unfulfilled though...and I was born in Sao Paul Brazil, which is also hot and humid. I've only ever lived in Orlando and Sao Paulo, but either way since they're both hot and humid climates women will wear short shorts in them. I love it but at the same time it's hard feeling constantly horny all the time. And it's often hard for me to make eye contact with a woman wearing short shorts, assuming her legs/thighs are in view. Obviously if her legs are hidden under a table then no problem, but if we're sitting on a bench or something and they're visible, then it becomes hard. It's a good thing legs are lower on the body than say cleavage though. Women don't even have to have especially attractive legs to get my attention, either. Average legs do the trick.

And yeah...I would LOVE to go and on and on even more about how much I love women's legs/thighs in short shorts, but this post is already long as fuck anyway, so I'm gonna end it off here...that's about it.
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vorian · 51-55, M
Im not quite getting it. Please add another 47 paragraphs about womens legs.
@vorian About that, sorry...I should've probably included a TL;DR, but at the same time I often have hyperfixation issues, especially when it comes to stuff I either really love or really hate. In this case though it goes to show how severe and extreme my fetish/obsession is, if I can write 47 whole detailed paragraphs.
Bearsfan67 · 56-60, M
@itsok in Morgan Freeman’s voice
itsok · 31-35, F
@itsok Oh...yeah...I probably should've included a TL;DR, though for the TL;DR I don't know what I'd even's basically just the title: "Obsessed with women's legs/thighs in short this a fetish? How weird is it? Is it common?" The post itself is just going deep into detail about the fetish itself. The title itself is the whole topic. And the attached picture is an example.

Really the title and picture is all you'd need, though if you needed or wanted to see how SEVERE and EXTREME my obsession is, only then would you need to read the whole entire post.
Sevendays · M
Mild for here!
@Sevendays Glad to know, lol.
It is neither weird nor common.
@SW-User That's good to know, lol. As a side note, I really like your profile picture! In general I've always liked animation, cartoons as well as anime. And Shrek in specific will always be a classic to me. Immediately recognizable just from the character design alone. A simple but genius and iconic design. Just sort of a green fat man with funky looking ears...simple but genius.
@SW-User Thank you! 😁
SilkandLace2 · 46-50, M
I definitely want to read this all, i will later!
Who does not like a woman with good looking legs?
@soar2newhighs No clue, lol. For me it's the literal best thing ever. To me heaven would be a place full of women with amazing legs. And if a god or goddess does exist, I imagine them as a woman with the best legs ever, lol.
ninalanyon · 61-69, T
Does it have to be a woman's thighs?

exexec · 70-79, C
Her legs are usually the first thing to catch my eye...then her smile.
@exexec Same here really, haha. Well I'm not sure if it's legs or smile first for me, but let's just say they're both equally first, lol. Most likely smile will be first since it's higher up, but the legs will be the immediate next thing I look at, glancing down really quickly.

This is assuming she's wearing short shorts or a short skirt/dress though, since to me bare legs are the best. Fully covered legs don't catch my eyes nearly as much, though if I notice she has really nice shaped thighs or whatever I can try to imagine what they'd look like in short shorts instead of long pants, so there's that.
exexec · 70-79, C
@SW-User Since I live in the warm South, I get to see lots of legs in shorts most of the year. That is nice!
@pancakeslam Not sure if you're being sarcastic now or just using hyperbole or whatever.
pancakeslam · 41-45, M
@SW-User we all have these thoughts but people like [deadgerbil] keep them in the DM's so people don't find out we're perverts. know wut I'm saying?!
@pancakeslam Now THAT makes perfect sense. Thanks for a clear, direct answer, lol.
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@MsSwan Ah...well when you put it like THAT I guess my "fetish" is not even a 1/10 on a weirdness scale from 1 to 10, lol. More like a 0.01/10. Lmfao.

I'm not one to judge others because in general I'm weird as fuck in other ways, but looks like in this aspect I'm "normal."
@MsSwan you never told me you minded before 😭
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@BohemianBabe True...was just wondering as a general thing though. Some things about myself I may think are weird because of personal insecurity or self doubts, though when I ask I may find out it's not as weird as I was thinking.
@Nunlover Uh...thanks?

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