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Kodel · 26-30, M
Yeah there's definitely a fixation on men needing to be able to hold a conversation. When you hear that you think, "Oh yeah that sounds pretty reasonable," until you realise that some women's definition of "hold" means "literally carry and do all the work" of the conversation.
ajaxprd · 36-40, M
Lol... it kills spirit when you write line after line, and she replies with a cold OK reply
Reflection2 · M
Stop being part of the competition for women and you will find peace.
Chickie · F
I like having deep meaningful, philosophical discussions
Me too but I just end up getting hit on half of the time, I'm like damn all I want is to talk about life,death, and mortality.
wanderer1991 · 31-35, M
@Chickie I mean that's not strictly what I discuss but I like aiming in that direction lol. I just feel like I end up talking about things I don't have a genuine interest in half the time to cater to that person. Idk, it's kinda hard to articulate.
Chickie · F
@wanderer1991 it's not all I like to talk about it's was an example but yeah I get what you're saying conversations like I don't add anything else because it's usually stupid shit that I don't care about it old news stuff.